
iOS13 touch simulation Simulate Touch iOS touch event


A touch event simulation library for iOS 11.0 - 13.6.

Jailbroken device required

Discord: https://discord.gg/acSXfyz

Please give me a star! I will post updates on Github.

About Open Source

The reason that I haven't release the source is that I wrote the code while doing iOS reverse engineering, so the code is like a mess. It is bad structured and unreadable now (and I don't want anyone to see bad code written by me). So I have to rewrite some parts of the source code to make it tidy and readable before releasing it. I don't have enough time for it so I can just post a release version for you guys to get it tested first. And during this time, I have to make sure that no one will make illegal things based on the library.

But I can promise you that this repo is FREE and NOT for my own benefit. I will definitely release the source code shortly. Please star or watch this library to get notified when I post the source code.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


This library enables you to simulate touch events on iOS 11.0 - 13.6 with just one line of code! All the source code will be released later.


  1. Multitouch supported (no other library you can find supports multi touching).
  2. Programmable. Control scripts can be programmed with all the programming languages you desire.
  3. Instant controlling supported. The ios device can be controlled with no latency from other devices/computers.
  4. System-level touch simulation (will not inject to any process).

Upcoming Feature Updates (ALL FREE & OPEN SOURCE!)

  1. Color picker. Get the color of a specified pixel.
  2. Touch recording. Record your touch event and play back.
  3. Script shop for users to download scripts made by others. Just like the App Store.
  4. Physical buttons Simulations.
  5. Image matching.
  6. Activator.
  7. Jailbreak detection bypass for games. (not sure whether I will release this. But if I do, I will never release source code for this part)


  1. Open Cydia - Sources - Edit - Add - ("http" instead of "https"!!! Please double check this.)
  2. Install "ZJXTouchSimulation" tweak
  3. Done

Code Example

Python Version

import socket
import time

# touch event types

# you can copy and paste these methods to your code
def formatSocketData(type, index, x, y):
    return '{}{:02d}{:05d}{:05d}'.format(type, index, int(x*10), int(y*10))

def horizontalSwipe():
    x = 300
    s.send(("101" + formatSocketData(TOUCH_DOWN, 7, x, 1000)).encode())  # touch down "10" at the beginning means "perform touch event". The third digit("1") is the data count.
    # the above code is equal to s.send(("1011070300010000").encode())
    time.sleep(0.01) # if you run this script on your computer, change sleep time to 0.2. (This is weird that python sleeps much longer on iOS than it should)
    while x <= 600:
        s.send(("101" + formatSocketData(TOUCH_MOVE, 7, x, 1000)).encode())  # move our finger 7 to the right
        x += 5

    while x >= 100:
        s.send(("101" + formatSocketData(TOUCH_MOVE, 7, x, 1000)).encode())  # move our finger 7 to the left
        x -= 5

    s.send(("101" + formatSocketData(TOUCH_UP, 7, x, 1000)).encode())  # release finger
if __name__ == '__main__':
	s = socket.socket()
	s.connect(("", 6000))  # connect to the tweak
	time.sleep(0.1)  # please sleep after connection.
	# the format should be "{task_id(2 digits)}{task_data}"
	#############   switch application to foreground part   ##############
	s.send("11com.apple.Preferences".encode())  # 11 at head means the task is id 11 (launch app). Move application "com.apple.Preferences" to the foreground" (launch settings app)
	#############   show system wide alert box part   ##############
	s.send("12This Is Title;;Title and content should be splitted by two semicolons. I am going to close settings in 5 seconds.".encode())  # 12 at head means the task id is 12 (show alert). Title and content should be splitted by two semicolons.
	#############   shell access as root    ##############
	s.send("13killall Preferences".encode())  # 13 at head means the task id is 13 (run shell command). The shell command here is "killall Prefernces", which kills the settings app.
	# let's look at the sending touch event part
	# the task id for touching is 10. So if you want to touch down at some point, you have to send "10" + "1" + formatSocketData(TOUCH_DOWN, 7, x, 1000). 10 at head means the task id is 10 (touch event). "1" means event count is 1
	# Other things keep the same as the old version.
	s.send("11com.apple.springboard".encode())  # return to home screen
	horizontalSwipe() # preform swipe


Actually the touch is performed by only one line:

s.send(("101"+formatSocketData(TOUCH_DOWN, 7, 300, 400)).encode()) 

Neat and easy.

Perform Touch Move

s.send(("101"+formatSocketData(TOUCH_MOVE, 7, 800, 400)).encode())  # tell the tweak to move our finger "7" to (800, 400)

Perform Touch Up

s.send(("101"+formatSocketData(TOUCH_UP, 7, 800, 400)).encode())  # tell the tweak to touch up our finger "7" at (800, 400)

Combining them

s.send(("101"+formatSocketData(TOUCH_DOWN, 7, 300, 400)).encode())
s.send(("101"+formatSocketData(TOUCH_MOVE, 7, 800, 400)).encode())
s.send(("101"+formatSocketData(TOUCH_UP, 7, 800, 400)).encode())

First the finger touches (300, 400), and then it moves to (800, 400), and then "leaves" the screen. All the touch events are performed with no latency.

The following method is written for you to copy & paste to your code

# touch event types

# you can copy and paste these methods to your code
def formatSocketData(type, index, x, y):
    return '{}{:02d}{:05d}{:05d}'.format(type, index, int(x*10), int(y*10))

def performTouch(socket, event_array):
	"""Perform touch events
	Perform touch events in event_array. event_array should be an array containing dictionaries of touch events. The format of the dictionaries: {"type": touch type, "index": finger index, "x": x coordinate, "y": y coordinate}
		socket: socket instance that connects to ZJXTouchSimulation tweak
		event_array: array of touch event dictionaries
	Demo usage:
		performTouch(s, [{"type": 1, "index": 3, "x": 100, "y": 200}]) # touch down at (100, 300) with finger "3"
	event_data = ''
	for touch_event in event_array:
		event_data += formatSocketData(touch_event['type'], touch_event['index'], touch_event['x'], touch_event['y'])
	socket.send('10{}{}'.format(len(event_array), event_data))

def switchAppToForeground(socket, app_identifier):
	"""Bring application to foregound
		socket: socket instance that connects to ZJXTouchSimulation tweak
		app_identifier: iOS application bundle identifier.
	Demo Usage:
		switchAppToForeground(s, "com.apple.springboard") # returns to home screen
def showAlertBox(socket, title, content):
	"""Show a system wide alert box
		socket: socket instance that connects to ZJXTouchSimulation tweak
		title: title of the alert box
		content: content of the alert box
	Demo Usage:
		showAlertBox(s, "Low Battery", "10% of battery remaining") # just a joke
	socket.send('12{};;{}'.format(title, content).encode())
def executeCommand(socket, command_to_run):
	"""Execute shell command with root privileges
		socket: socket instance that connects to ZJXTouchSimulation tweak
		command_to_run: command that you want to execute
	Demo Usage:
		executeCommand(s, "reboot") # reboot your device

Demo Usage - iOS Game Controller

I write scripts using python to let myself play iOS games using the keyboard and mouse of my computer. Here are demos of Fortnite and PUBG Mobile. Watch the video Watch the video

Usage (expired. Will be updated soon)

  1. After installation, the tweak will start listening at port 6000.
  2. Use socket to send touch data field to the tweak

data field should always be decimal digits, specified below event data img

Event Count(1 digit): Specify the count of the single events. If you have multiple events to send at the same time, just increase the event count and append events to the data.

Type(1 digit): Specify the type of the single event.

Supported event type:

Event Flag Description
Touch Up 0 Specify the event as a touch-up event
Touch Down 1 Specify the event as a touch-down event
Touch Move 2 Specify the event as a touch-move event (move the finger)
Set Size 9 Set screen size (required!! Will be explained below)

Touch Index(2 digits): Apple supports multitouch, so you have to specify the finger index when posting touching events. The range of finger index is 1-20 (0 is reserved, don't use 0 as finger index).

x Coordinate(5 digits): The x coordinate of the place you want to touch. The first 4 digit is for integer part while the last one is for the decimal part. For example, if you want to touch (123.4, 2432.1) on the screen, you should fill "01234" for this.

y Coordinate(5 digits): The y coordinate of the place you want to touch. The first 4 digit is for integer part while the last one is for the decimal part. For example, if you want to touch (123.4, 2432.1) on the screen, you should fill "24321" for this.

Important Note

The touch coordinate does not depend on the orientation of your device. See picture below to get more information. However you place your device, the click point on the screen will not be changed. coordinate_note img


Mail: jiz176@pitt.edu Discord: https://discord.gg/acSXfyz