AZ Queue Manager

AZ Queue Manager is a tool to manage messages in Azure Storage Queue.

It is a command line tool that can be used to send and receive messages from a queue. It can also be used to create and delete queues.

Getting Started

Install AZQueueManager and Extensions

# Install the base package
pip install azqueuemanager

# Install the csv-input extension
pip install azqeueuemanager-csv # or some other extension

Setup your script

If this is your input file data.json

# data.json
    {"id": "msg_1", "text": "hello world"},
    {"id": "msg_2": "text": "hello universe"}

Create your script.

from azqueuemanager import QueueManager, 
from azqueuemanager-json import JSONTransformer

We'll come back to the extension. For now, let's define our queue_client. This is the storage queue itself.

CONNECTION_STRING="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=MYACCOUNT;AccountKey=MYKEY;" #You'll need your own connection string

queue = StorageQueue(

Next we'll need to setup our extension. Every extension has a transformer. That transformer has modules for passing data into and out of the queue. The input transformer will take data and create one or more messages. The output transformer will take a message and create output for each record.

These inputs and outputs are pretty dynamic so you will need to look at the documentation for each extension to see what the input and output looks like.

The json extension the input transformer takes json_in_file (or json_data) and (optionally) a json_out_file. The transform_in will add messages from the json content. The transform_out will take the messages and create a json file with all the records returned.

Let's create an instance of the JSONTransformer and pass it to the QueueManager along with our queue.


json_transform = JSONTransformer(

queue_manager = QueueManager(

Now we can add or pull data to/from our Queue

Loading Data

We pass data in using the queue_messages method. This will use the data processed from the input_transformer and add it to the storage queue.

If there is no input_transformer then the queue_messages method will take a list of messages (as messages) and add them to the queue.

You can look at all the messages loaded into the queue using the list_messages method.

# load data into the queue

# list the messages in the queue without popping them from the stack

# >>> [
#    {id: 1234567890, content:"{'id': 'msg_1', 'text': 'hello world'}"},
# ...
# ]

Previewing Data

You can also preview the next record. The preview_message method will return the next message in the queue transformed without removing it from the queue.

This is designed to ensure that you're data is correct before pushing it to another service.



# >>> PREVIEW: message={...} -> transformed_message={'id': 'msg_1', 'text': 'hello world'}

Retrieving The Data

Use next_messages(count=n) to retrieve n messages from the queue and process them with the output_transformer. By default messages are not deleted from the queue, but you can delete them by setting delete_after=True in the method.

If you don't add a count, then it will return all the messages in the queue.

You can also process the next message ONLY by using next_message(delete_after=True). This may be helpful if you want to process the messages one at a time (if the messages have different key:values that may make data more compicated).


# get messages from the queue

# >>>
#	[
#		{"id": "msg_1", "text": "hello world"},
#		{"id": "msg_2": "text": "hello universe"}
#	]