Render Engine TailwindCSS Plugin

Add tailwindcss to your Render Engine site.

TailwindCSS is a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs.

The pytailwindcss package is used to install compile the tailwindcss stylesheets without the need of npm.

This plugin installs builds a tailwindcss file from the default configuration and adds a tailwind.css file to your static files.

Warning: This is in early development.


Install the extension with pip:

pip install render-engine-tailwindcss


  1. Import the plugin.

    from render_engine import Site
    from render_engine_tailwindcss import TailwindCSS
  2. Add the plugin to your site.

    class site(Site):
        static_path = 'static'
  3. In your 'static_path', add your pre-tailwindcss stylesheets.

    # static/styles.css
    @tailwind base;
    @tailwind components;
    @tailwind utilities; 

You can add multiple CSS files to the static path and they will all converted into their own files.