
Nginx module for the ThumbHash

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


This nginx module implements the ThumbHash image placeholder generation algorithm invented by Evan Wallace.


Build install

$ : "clone repository"
$ git clone https://github.com/kjdev/nginx-thumbhash
$ cd nginx-thumbhash
$ : "get nginx source"
$ NGINX_VERSION=1.x.x # specify nginx version
$ wget http://nginx.org/download/nginx-${NGINX_VERSION}.tar.gz
$ tar -zxf nginx-${NGINX_VERSION}.tar.gz
$ cd nginx-${NGINX_VERSION}
$ : "build module"
$ ./configure --add-dynamic-module=../
$ make && make install


$ docker build -t nginx-thumbhash .
$ : "app.conf: Create nginx configuration"
$ docker run -p 80:80 -v $PWD/app.conf:/etc/nginx/http.d/default.conf nginx-thumbhash

Github package: ghcr.io/kjdev/nginx-thumbhash



thumbhash_temp_path /var/tmp;

location ~ ^/thumbhash/(?<data>.+)$ {
  thumbhash_render $data base64=url;

location ~ ".(jpe?g|png|gif)$" {


Syntax: thumbhash_render <string> [base64=standard|url] [width=<size>] [height=<size>]
Default: -
Context: location

Generates and renders a ThumbHash image from the specified string.

The option base64 parameter sets the encoding of the string. (default value is standard)

The optional width parameter sets the width of the generated image.

The option height parameter sets the width of the generated image.

If neither width nor height is specified, or both are set to 0, the image will be generated with a base size of 32 pt.

If either width or height is set to 0, a non-zero value will be used as the base size

Syntax: thumbhash_filter [query=<string>] [width=<size>] [height=<size>];
Default: -
Context: location

Set to respond with ThumbHash processed images.

The optional query parameter sets the query string that determines whether ThumbHash processing is performed. (default value is thumbhash)

If the query string does not match this value, no ThumbHash processing will be performed.

The optional width parameter sets the width of the generated image.

The option height parameter sets the width of the generated image.

If neither width nor height is specified, or both are set to 0, the image will be generated with a base size of 32 pt.

If either width or height is set to 0, a non-zero value will be used as the base size

Syntax: thumbhash_temp_path <string>
Default: -
Context: server, location

Defines a directory for storing image files generated by ThumbHash.