This repositoy contains data which describes the total death numbers in the 20th century in the United States (originally reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC), an R-script which can visualize this data and graph figures (coming soon) generated by said script. Of special interest is the numbers related to infectious-related deaths in the 20th century, which demonstrates the schism between the pre- and post-antibiotic era.
- Original data retrieved from Center of Disease Control's report on Leading Causes of Death in the United States, 1900-1998, a part of the Stacks collection which is available in the public domain
- Data in tabular form retrieved from Our World in Data's GitHub repository, which are licensed under an Open Creative Commons License
- To-do: include this data: Data for deaths in the 21st Century [US]: National Center for Health Statistics. NCHS - Leading Causes of Death: United States. Date accessed [Last accessed date]. Available from
The figures (.PNG-files) in this repository are licensed under an open Creative Commons license, the R-scripts (.R-files) are licensed under a MIT license. You are free to reuse and share the material in this repository under this license, but you must credit the CDC for obtaining the original data. It would also be nice if you can acknowledge me as the author of this visualization :)