
MSK Brokers connected to a VPC in a different account using Privatelink

Primary LanguageHCL


MSK Brokers connected to a VPC in a different account using Privatelink


2 separate AWS accounts:

  1. service_provider: AWS Account that is hosting the MSK cluster.
  2. service_consumer: AWS Account that is accessing the service_provider service.
  • 1 VPC per AWS account - separate CIDRs per VPC
  • VPC's have SSM enabled for Systems Manager access to login to EC2 instance to test
  • 1 EC2 instance in each VPC for testing

Setup Service Provider

cd service_provider
aws-vault exec ken1 -- terraform init
aws-vault exec ken1 -- terraform plan -out .tfplan
aws-vault exec ken1 -- terraform apply .tfplan

Setup Service Consumer

cd service_consumer
aws-vault exec me -- terraform init
aws-vault exec me -- terraform plan -out .tfplan
aws-vault exec me -- terraform apply .tfplan