Proxy connections from a PrivateLink NLB to a set of a ECS services
- VPC - dependency
- Subnets
- Security groups
- Letter C
- Listeners
- ECS services
- Instances
- Cluster
- Services
terraform init
terraform apply
terraform output -json | jq -r 'to_entries[] | .key + "=" + (.value.value | tostring)' | while read -r line ; do echo export "$line"; done >
echo "The DNS name of the ALB is $nlb_dns_name"
echo "The first ECS Service is listening on port $first_service_port"
You'll have to wait for the Target groups to settle. I created a script for this. Run it like so:
./scripts/ $first_service_target_group_arn
./scripts/ $second_service_target_group_arn
Once you've got targets for the NLB you can run the following commands to test them out:
curl http://$nlb_dns_name:$first_service_port
curl http://$nlb_dns_name:$second_service_port