Data Wrangling with R and the tidyverse

The Course Packet

This packet contains the course material, data, slides, and code. It’s an RStudio project, so to launch it, double-click on data_wrangling.Rproj and RStudio will open with this project ready to go.

What’s here

The course_notes.Rmd document

A Quarto document to get you started on taking your own notes for the course.

The data/ folder

Datasets we will use during the course.

The code/ folder

All of the code snippets from the slides, as R script files.

The pdf_slides/ folder

PDF versions of the slides from the course.

The slides/ folder

Quarto files and various supporting files to generate HTML versions of the slides. The HTML versions can be viewed in a web browser. These files require supporting packages that I did not ask you to install beforehand, so do not expect them to work out of the box. But if you install the packages that RStudio asks you to when you load one of the slide files, you should be able to compile it and view it in an external browser. Click the “Show in new Window” icon from the Viewer tab—the one that looks like a tiny browser window with an arrow on top; it’s to the right of the tiny broom icon—to launch the slides in your browser. When you first launch, give your browser a minute to organize everything, because it’s going to be a large file, so this will be like waiting for a very big webpage to load.