The purpose of this web application is to provide users with a composite score for the top restaurants in the area, with the user providing their zip code and price range desired (optional).
Service Url:
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- frontend-language: Reactjs v16.0
- backend-language: Python 3.4.3
- web server: nginx/1.4.6
- application server: Flask v0.12.2
- web server gateway: gunicorn (version 19.7.1)
- database: mongod v3.4.9
- module_bunlder: webpack v3.8.1
- react_compiler: babel v1.4.0
Summary of what repository contains:
Item | Decription |
---|---| | Readme file |
package.json | contains requirements and configuration for Reactjs v16 frontend |
.babelrc | contains configuration for Babel |
web_flask | contain flask application to run mongodb database |
src | contains React scripts for for front-end |
dist | contains static directory, bundle.js and index.html |
backend | contains backend modules in Python 3.4 |
install_scripts | contains script to install all dependencies and packages |
To setup the proper environment to deploy this application, run the following scripts:
- contains all routes for web application:
-> returns all records with the provied zip code/search/<zip_code>/<price>
-> returns all records with the provide price range under the provided zip code
- Reactjs code that pulls from RESTful API created by Flask and displays the content dynamtically.
Static Directory:
- CSS directory with stylesheets
- SCSS directory with scss stylesheets
- img directory with all images
- Js directory with bootstrap css functionality
- Vendor directory with bootstrap style dependencies
Other Files:
- HTML markup filebundle.js
- script file that contains the bundle created with webpack
- Functionn that takes in what was returned
and creates a
- Function that calls the FourSquare Api and returns a list of restaurants to pass
(currently does not support food trucks with no location)
- Function that takes in both lists from FourSquare and Zomato to find a match, returns a list to pass
- Function that takes in the matched list, calls the yelp api to create a new composite
- Function that takes in the arguments passed by the user (zip code and price) to pass to FourSquare
- Function that queries the database based on the user's inputs: Either just a zip code or if they included
- Function that calls the Zomato API and returns a list of restaurants to pass
- Function that calls the Zomato API and grabs the tips provided in regards to the zip code
- script to install all packages necessary
To use the script, run it like so
To be added
This project is for educational purposes only
User Authentication
There are no known bugs at the time.
- Kimberly Wong, kjowong | @kjowong | Email
- Spencer Cheng, spencerhcheng | @spencerhcheng | Email