quick testdrive project of Zeebe with Spring Boot + Camel


  • start up Zeebe
  • deploy the BPMN file test-correlation.bpmn from the root of this repo
  • edit docker-compose.yml changing the extra_host parameter and making the host alias zeebe point to your Zeebe broker's host
  • docker-compose up
  • curl localhost:5000/test/start/1000/0
  • curl localhost:5000/test/correlate/1000/0


the available REST endpoints are following this pattern: http://localhost:5000/test/start/NR/TX_ID

where NR is the number of iterations and TX_ID is the business key to start from.

Eg. curl localhost:5000/test/start/1000/0 will start 1000 workflow instances, with business keys starting from 0 and ending with 999.