Oauth 2.0 Server Testing with Laravel


  1. Start by cloning the repo.

git@github.com:sighfin/oath2test.git && cd oauth2test

  1. Create a database and fill out the mysql array in app/config/database.php.

  2. Run the following commands to setup the application and migrate all needed tables.

composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
  1. Create a new record on the users table. Please make note of the username and password values for later.
$user = new User;
$user->username = 'username';
$user->password = Hash::make('password');
  1. Create a new record on the oauth_clients table. Please make note of the id and secret values for later.
  2. Create a new record on the oauth_scopes table. and set the id value to basic and add a description.

Testing Endpoints

Create a POST request to this URI http://domain.tld/oauth/access_token with the following form data.

  • grant_type = password
  • username = username on the users table
  • password = password on the users table
  • client_id = id on the oauth_clients table
  • client_secret = secret on the oauth_clients table

When the request is successful, an access_token will be genereated and added to the oauth_access_tokens table. This access token is used as a data value when making API requests that requires authentication.

Create a POST request to this uri http://domain.tld/api/v1/users and pass the access_token as the form data.

Create a POST request to this uri http://domain.tld/api/v1/register without any form data. This particular endpoint does not require authentication.


  • Add code to request the access token again when it has been expired.
  • Delete oauth token from the oauth_access_tokens table if they've been expired and a client try to use it.
  • Add request limiting functionality to the public API endpoints.
  • Figure out a way to append client_id and client_secret values securely when the client makes a request for an access token.