
Project template for gulp.js

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Project template for gulp.js

What it does

  • Jade files to HTML
  • Stylus files to CSS
  • CoffeeScript files to Javascript through browserify
    • You are able to use 'require' in your client-side code
  • Serves your static files to localhost:9001
  • Reloads your browser with LiveReload when files change

Getting things up and running

 git clone git@github.com:leonidas/gulp-project-template.git <your project name>
 cd <your project name>
 npm install
 npm start
 open http://localhost:9001 in your browser

CLI Commands

  • npm install
    • Installs server-side dependencies from NPM and client-side dependencies from Bower
  • npm start
    • Compiles your files, starts watching files for changes, serves static files to port 9001
  • npm run build
    • Builds everything

Minification, uglification and other tasks you're expected to run before deploying your product can be made by running the build command with env variable NODE_ENV set to "production"

NODE_ENV=production npm run build

Development guidelines

  • public - directory should be dedicated only to compiled/copied files from src - directory. It should be possible to delete directory completely and after npm start or npm run build everything should be as they were before the deletation.
  • All backend dependencies should be installed with npm. Browser dependencies should be installed with bower or with npm.

Adding 3rd party libraries

Note: If the package you are looking for can be found in NPM it's much easier to install it from there. After installing packages from NPM they can be required without any of the following instructions.

bower install jquery --save

Now to use jQuery in your frontend code, you'll need to add jQuery to "browser" section of your package.json. Your package.json should be something like this:


"browser": {
  "jquery": "./bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js"
"browserify-shim": {},
"browserify": {
  "transform": [ "coffeeify", "browserify-shim" ]

Now your should be able to require jQuery in your coffee files

$ = require 'jquery'

For non-CommonJS compatible modules you have to use browserify-shim. Read more about it here.

Using JavaScript instead of CoffeeScript

Remove coffeeify transform from package.json file (browserify.transform field)

"browserify": {
  "transform": ["browserify-shim"]

and change the ".coffee" extension to ".js" from gulpfile.coffee

paths =
    source: './src/coffee/main.js'

You also can change the directory name to scripts or what ever.

### Enable LiveReload
Install [LiveReload for Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/livereload/jnihajbhpnppcggbcgedagnkighmdlei?hl=en)