
Troika! ruleset implemented in fantasy grounds

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

Troika!_fantasy grounds_ruleset

Troika! ruleset implemented in fantasy grounds


  • Gui
    • window title icon?
    • scroll bar graphics
  • Make Enemy sheet look like main rule book layout
  • Mien should be per enemy table, with role button?
  • Damage as dropdown based on values from table
  • options!!!
  • Background

-- OOB_COMBAT_ACTION -- aim, delay, hit(with_what), shoot(with_what), -- spell(with_what), move(...), item_use(...), item_retrieve(...), grapple(...)

Weapons have ammunition / rounds / charge etc... reloading take getting the items out of your bag Armour Encomberance

  • Object
    • classGet() -> str
    • classIs(class) -> bool
    • classesGet() -> {str}

Reference info

  • DamageTable

    • name
    • damage[7]
    • ignore_1_ap // ignore 1 point of armour
  • EquipWeaponRef

    • Name
    • Description
    • Special {Text, code?}
    • two_plus_handed T/F
    • OPTIONAL: DamageTable
  • AdvSkillSpellRef

    • Name
    • Description
    • RefTables
    • OPTIONAL: SpellCost
    • OPTIONAL: DamageTable
  • BestiaryRef

    • Name
    • TagLine
    • Description
    • Skill
    • Stamina
    • Initiative
    • Armour
    • Damage as
    • Mien[6] # reference to Generic table?
    • Special
  • BackgroundRef

    • Name
    • TagLine
    • Description
    • EquipRef[]
    • AdvSkillsRef[]
    • Special
  • CharacterSheetRef


  • Equip

    • ref_link: EquipRef
    • notes
  • Weapon

    • ref_link: WeaponRef
    • notes
  • AdvSkills

    • AdvSkillsRef
    • Rank
    • SuccessCount
  • Actor

    • Damage
    • Faction
  • Character(Actor)

    • ref_link: BackgroundRef
    • Skill: number
    • Stamina: number
    • //Damage: number
    • Luck: number
    • LuckSpent: number
    • Wearing: str
    • Monies
    • Provisions
    • Skills: AdvSkills[]
    • Weapons: Weapon[]
    • Inventory: Equip[]
  • Npc(Actor)

    • ref_link: BestiaryRef
    • //Damage: Number


Action passed to actors, wait for update to change display record has cached display values, actual records should be in Actor

  • CombatActor

    • ref_link: Actor
  • CombatTurn

    • ref_link: CombatActor
  • CombatRound

    • actors: CombatActor[]
    • turns: CombatTurn[]
  • CombatTracker

    • rounds: CombatRound[]


Streamline Icons

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