This tool tests upgrades of RDO packages (using packstack). It provides some
utility functions for doing various things, and can run named scenarios.
To test a Havana->Icehouse live upgrade, do something like this on a clean EL6:

  # ./ havana2icehouse-live compute1,compute2

Which should:

1. Install Havana
2. Create and verify some test instances
3. Upgrade the controller to Icehouse
4. Create some more guests
5. Upgrade the first compute host to Icehouse
6. Create some more guests

When finished, you should have guests spread across all compute hosts,
with the controller on Icehouse, the first compute host on Icehouse,
and the remaining compute hosts still running on Havana. User and host
keys will be distributed to all compute hosts to allow testing of cold
and live migration scenarios.

== NOTES ==

=== Scenarios ===

Additional scenarios can be placed in the scenarios/directory.