
Next-gen, highly customizable content editor for the browser - based on React and Redux and written in TypeScript. WYSIWYG on steroids.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

React Page (formerly known as ORY editor)

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React Page is a smart, extensible and modern editor ("WYSIWYG") for the web written in React. If you are fed up with the limitations of contenteditable, you are in the right place.

React Page Demo

Bundle Size

We try to keep the initial bundle size low so that you can use this library also to render the content statically without edit functionality.

We achieve that by lazy-loading using import() functions. Most modern bundlers like webpack (e.g. in nextjs) support this kind of lazy loading. So the default editor-ui (based on material-ui) is only loaded if the editor is in editMode.

You can additionally use @react-page/renderer to have a minimal renderer.


The docs can be found inside the docs folder of this project.

You can follow the Quick Start to get the basic editor running on your project.

A list of some packages and tools that we provide can be found here, check this file to see what you can accomplish with this editor.

Finally you can check the rest of the docs here

We also provide docummentations for all of the public api methods, the docs are available here

(currently outdated, sorry! )


Formely known as ORY Editor

Original Library created by @aeneasr @ory

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