Companion code and manuscript of React Speed Coding book is available here.
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- Component demos.
- Access ReactSpeed API for component design workflow.
- Discuss the book.
- Suggest new features for ReactSpeed UI library.
- Launch quickly with fully functional ES6 React + Webpack starter.
- Add 20+ custom React components to your app.
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- reactspeedcoding
-- manuscript # chapter content
-- code # sample code
Now cd to the code
directory and install dependencies using npm install
Run sample app using npm start
- How to install Node.js and use Node Version Manager.
- Setup package.json to manage your NPM dependencies.
- Quick access companion code for this book using Github.
- Install starter dependencies for React, Webpack, and Babel.
- Create Webpack configuration for development pipeline automation.
- Write and run your first Hello World React app.
- How to organize your React app in folders and files.
- How to define a React component using ES6 syntax.
- What are modules and how to import and export React components.
- Why we need constructors.
- How components talk to each other and the UI using events, props, and state.
- Importance of stateless components.
- Using React Chrome Extension to inspect your component hierarchy at runtime.
- Optimize React code for production bundle.
- Separate CSS for static or CDN serving.
- Bundle dependencies separately.
- Minify JavaScript code.
- Profiling Webpack generated build.
- Adding public assets for your app.
- Creating custom index template.
In this chapter we will start designing our very own React Speed UI framework for your apps. We will do so using Flexbox, PostCSS, and custom React components.
Designing a custom UI framework is an ambitious undertaking. Our task becomes achievable if we scope our design goals upfront.
Speed. Like the name suggests, our UI framework is built for speed of development and creating performant apps.
Single Page App. We will design various UI components required for a single page app including landing page, buttons, forms, navigation menu, interactive content cards, and footer.
Responsive. Our app will be responsive and components will render according to target screen size.
Customizable. We want our UI framework to be easily customizable using custom color themes.
Reusable. The UI frameworks will be reusable across multiple apps.
Simple. We will keep our UI framework simple to understand, extend, and reuse.
Optimized. Speed UI framework will be production ready and optimized for light payloads.
Reactive. This topic is TBD. We will see if using Microservices and Reactive architectural patterns can be in scope of this book.
State Machine. Our UI framework will support state management. This is topic for an advanced chapter, however we will consider this goal as we design the framework.
Expressive. Our UI framework will be reusable in expressive, English like statements.
Code: Page component, YouTube component, GitHub component, Workflow component,
IconText component.
The objective at this stage is to speedily "prototype" new features and code within your React project. Subsequent chapters on Designing Component Internals, Wiring Multiple Components, and Refactoring Existing Components will go over best practices to create performant, reusable, and maintainable code.
- Designing React components rapidly from samples available on the Web.
- Using Web Embeds like YouTube, Flickr, Twitter, to create React components.
- Integrating third-party REST APIs to start creating React components.
- Moving from a wireframe to a React component.
- Starting with a data table and turing this into a React component.
- How to handle real-time streams as a React component.
- How to model documents as a React component.
- How to enhance HTML elements as React components.
Note: This chapter is TBD.
- Naming files, folders, and modules (Df)
- Imports and exports (Di)
- Stateless components and pure functions (Dp)
- Classes and inheritance (Dc)
- Constructor and binding (Db)
- Property types (Dt)
- State management (Ds)
- Lifecycle methods (Dl)
- Render and ReactDOM.render methods (Dr)
- JSX features and syntax (Dj)
Note: This chapter is TBD.
- When to use presentational verses container components.
- Strategy for passing component as a property to another component.
- Reconciliation algorithm and keys for dynamic children.
Code: All 10 components are available under /app/components
- Learn about component layout strategies and create HomePage component.
- Develop Aside component.
- Create Footer component.
- Header component.
- Sidebar component.
- BlogPage layout component.
- Blog component.
- Post component.
- Router configuration.
- Navigation component.
- NavLink component.
Note: This chapter is TBD.
- Refactoring to render node children.
- ES5 to ES6 React component definition
- Testing and refactoring
Note: This chapter is TBD.
Plan is to add examples for integrating various testing and lint tools within your React development workflow.
Note: This chapter is TBD.
Plan is to draw out the Big Picture of component design workflow. Connecting the dots from prior five chapters which detail the workflow.
Note: This chapter is in progress.
- Compare Firebase with another popular framework Meteor.
- Host your front-end app using Firebase hosting.
- How Firebase stores files and data.
- Designing a REST API using Firebase.
- For what kind of apps is Firebase not ideal.
Note: This chapter is TBD.
Plan is to add Kadira Storybook, create React playgrounds, Redux dev tools, and add visual code analytics.