Mask to Angular 2 Application using jquery-mask-plugin
Clone the repository and do:
npm install ng2-input-mask
Import jquery
Import jquery.mask
import { Ng2InputMaskModule } from 'ng2-input-mask';
imports: [
<input [mask]="'cep'" type="text" formControlName="zipCode">
brDate: '00/00/0000'
brTime: '00:00:00'
brDateTime: '00/00/0000 00:00:00'
cep: '00000-000'
brLandlinePhone: '(00) 0000-0000'
brCellPhone: '(00) 00000-0000'
phoneUs: '(000) 000-0000'
mixed: 'AAA 000-S0S'
cpf: '000.000.000-00'
cnpj: '00.000.000/0000-00'
money: ',00'
money2: "#.##0,00"
ipAddress: ''
percent: '##0,00%'
By default, you can define your own rule by following a list below:
'0': { pattern: /\d/ },
'9': { pattern: /\d/, optional: true },
'#': { pattern: /\d/, recursive: true },
'A': { pattern: /[a-zA-Z0-9]/ },
'S': { pattern: /[a-zA-Z]/ },
'Y': { pattern: /[0-9]/ }
<input [mask]="'(000) 900-0000'" type="text" formControlName="myControl">
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Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.