
The Graphical Knowledge Representation (GKR) parser: it transforms a given sentence into a layered semantic graph

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is the Graphical Knowledge Representation (GKR) parser. It transforms a given sentence into a layered semantic graph as described in Kalouli, A.-L. and R. Crouch. 2018. GKR: the Graphical Knowledge Representation for semantic parsing. In Proceedings of SEMBEaR 2018 @NAACL 2018 : http://aclweb.org/anthology/W18-1304

Companion paper: Crouch, R. and A.-L. Kalouli. 2018. Named Graphs for Semantic Representations. In Proceedings of *SEM 2018 @NAACL 2018 : http://aclweb.org/anthology/S18-2013

Application paper: Kalouli, A.-L., R. Crouch and V. de Paiva. GKR: Bridging the gap between symbolic/structural and distributional meaning representations. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Designing Meaning Representations @ ACL 2019 : https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W19-3305/

Author/developer: Aikaterini-Lida Kalouli (aikaterini-lida.kalouli@uni-konstanz.de) and Richard Crouch (dick.crouch@gmail.com)

If you use this software in writing scientific papers, or you use this software in any other medium serving scientists or students (e.g. web-sites, CD-ROMs) please include the above citation.


If you would like to have a quick sense of how GKR looks like, check out our online demo: http://gkrparser.nlitoolkit.de/


Copyright 2018 Aikaterini-Lida Kalouli and Richard Crouch. GKR is a free-software discributed under the conditions of the Apache License 2.0, without warranty. See LICENSE file for more details. You should have received a copy of the LICENSE file with the source code. If not, please visit http://www.apache.org/licenses/ for more information.


(this installation assumes you have a Java runtime environment (version 8 or higher, https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html ) and the Gradle Build tool (https://gradle.org/) in place. If not, please make sure to install those first)

  1. Clone the repository into your desired directory: git clone https://github.com/kkalouli/GKR_semantic_parser.git

  2. Download WordNet from https://wordnet.princeton.edu/download. In order to use WordNet, you must configure the file GKR_semantic_parser/sem.mapper/src/main/resources/gkr.properties. In particular you must change the following line:


Change the location and set the directory in which the WordNet dictionary is installed.

  1. Download and install JIGSAW as described in https://github.com/pippokill/JIGSAW Although you will have downloaded WordNet by now, make sure you follow the JIGSAW instructions for modifying the JIGSAW config file in JIGSAW/resources/wn_file_properties.xml . Also, in the jigsaw.properties file replace the relative paths of wn_file_properties.xml, nlp.tokenModel, nlp.posTagModel and nlp.stopWordFile with the absolute paths of their location in your system. In the same file, make sure that the property wsd.shortOutput is set to false (wsd.shortOutput=false).

In order to use JIGSAW, you must also configure the file GKR_semantic_parser/sem.mapper/src/main/resources/gkr.properties. In particular you must change the following line:


Change the properties file name and set the absolute path in which your jigsaw.properties file is installed.

  1. Download and install SUMO as described in https://github.com/ontologyportal/sigmakee (you don't need to install the apache-tomcat related stuff if we you don't want to run the SUMO interface through your localhost). Download the file WordNetMappings30-all.txt provided here and put it in SUMO's folder WordNetMappings (this is a combined version of the four separate files WordNetMappings30-noun/verb/adj/adv that SUMO itself provides and is used as a consolidated verison when a term cannot be found in the file of its corresponding POS.)
    In order to use SUMO, you must also configure the file GKR_semantic_parser/sem.mapper/src/main/resources/gkr.properties. In particular you must change the following line:


Change the location and set the location path in which you installed the parent SUMO folder.

  1. Download the jar file edu.mit.jwi_2.4.0.jar from https://projects.csail.mit.edu/jwi/

  2. Create a new folder GKR_libs somewhere in your system. Copy in this folder the following files:

  • the edu.mit.jwi_2.4.0.jar jar file you just downloaded
  • the JIGSAW.jar file (found in the folder dist of your JIGSAW installation)
  • the maxent-3.0.0.jar file (found in the folder dist/lib/ of your JIGSAW installation)
  • opennlp-tools-1.5.0.jar (found in the folder dist/lib/ of your JIGSAW installation)
  1. The GKR parser uses the easy-bert software by Rob Rua (https://zenodo.org/record/2652964#.X6pxb5NKjR0). The software is imported through gradle and the bert vocabulary file for the BERT uncased model is already provided in sem.mapper/src/main/resources/vocab.txt . If you wish to use a different model, you will need to download the desired model from https://github.com/robrua/easy-bert and unzip it. Once you unzip it, you will see a file vocab.txt within the folder. You will need to configure the file GKR_semantic_parser/sem.mapper/src/main/resources/gkr.properties and in particular, change the following line:


to point to the location of the vocab.txt file. You will also need to modify the build.gradle file of sem.mapper to import the model you want (implementation 'com.robrua.nlp.models:easy-bert-uncased-L-12-H-768-A-12:1.0.0' )

************** Deprecated ******************

Download the glove.6B.zip from https://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/glove/ and unzip it. Choose the size of the embedding file you want to work with and copy this file into GKR_semantic_parser/sem.mapper/src/main/resources/. The default file chosen is the glove.6B.300d.txt. If you choose this file, you don't need to do anything further. If * you choose another size file, you have to also configure the file GKR_semantic_parser/sem.mapper/src/main/resources/gkr.properties. In particular you must change the line * glove=../sem.mapper/src/main/resources/glove.6B.300d.txt to the name of the file you chose.

************* End of Deprecated *************

  1. Go back into the cloned directory and find the build.gradle file of the sem.mapper folder. Change the following line compile fileTree(dir: '/Users/kkalouli/Documents/libraries/GKR_libs/', include: ['*.jar']) to point at the location in which you created the GKR_libs folder.

You are all set! You can now build the project: Navigate to the cloned directory (GKR_semantic_parser) and do: gradle build

If the build is successful, you can simply import the project in Eclipse or any other platform you wish. For Eclipse: import it as a gradle project (for changes made within eclipse, the 'gradle cleanEclipse' command should refresh the eclipse view)


In the subproject sem.mapper there is a class named DepGraphToSemanticGraph. In the main method at the end of this class you can choose to run only one sentence or a testsuite with sentences: just comment in or out the corresponding method. The testsuite should contain one sentence per line.


The testsuite used in our paper Kalouli, A.-L. and Richard Crouch. 2018. GKR: the Graphical Knowledge Representation for semantic parsing. In Proceedings of SEMBEaR 2018 @ NAACL 2018 (http://aclweb.org/anthology/W18-1304) can be found in the folder evaluation.


For troubleshooting, comments, ideas and discussions, please contact kalouli(at)cis.lmu.de