Title: Homework Assignment.Wk Two (Tuesday)

ReadMe: This project was an opportunity to build a fresh set of linked .html files that did not use .css but rather bootstrap links in order to create custom visuals while still remaining purely .hmtl. It was built on the basis of problem-solving and stamina, inviting the developer (myself) to see how they arrange and experiment with ways to set up code; specifically creating a foundation of code that can be utilized as time goes on and my skillset builds. As developers, especially young developers, we exist in a constant state of learning and exploration to see how we can refine and grow our skills. Of course, this is not an easy task, be that a classroom assignment or a project at work, Bootstrap is one way to measure this as we have to constantly check .divs and debug them so they may work more efficiently. This project\works to address ways in which Bootstrap can be utilized over .css and to see how commonly used Bootstrap is in the dev world. I learned different ways I would want the basis of a multi-page .html file to look and elements I would desire as time passes and I build off of this foundation. Right away, something that was important to me was ensuring inclusivity through alt tags for images, choice of using your pronouns when sending a contact message, and color accessibility. What makes my project stand out is playing with placements of divs, alignment of text, types of imagery used, and how to customize the "contact" experience.