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Title: WK3 (Work-Day-Scheduler)

ReadMe: This project was an opportunity to combine my growing knowledge through a multitude of languages and ensuring they were debugged so that they could function and resolve the quest of the user. Coding is always a journey, ensuring that things connect and that the proper syntax is utilized so that it may be high functioning but also capable of being edited by another developer should that ever be a need. When thinking about the user's needs, I had to recognize what code I had been provided via our assignment and what the user needed, especially the hours that would be most vital in having properly scheduled. As a young developer, I exist in a constant, fluctuating state of learning and exploration to see how I can refine and grow my skills. This was especially proven with the deployment of Javascript/JQuery/JSON alongside the .CSS and .HTML skills that I have been building and refining, and of course, will continue to build. This project\works to address the query it came with, that which is work day scheduler for a user to utilize in their daily life; the user experiences a heavy workload and needs to know visually where they are in their schedule and through the utilization of color theory, they are able to see the present hour (red), that which is to come(green), and that which has passed (grey). I learned and was continually reminded of the value of stamina when navigating topics that are still clicking, Javascript is an incredible and highly functional language but it can also be difficult to navigate which is why psuedo coding is so viable and why I broke down the steps necessary for the user to arrive at the final product and all of the moving pieces that needed to exist for the deployment to be successful. Something I am continually reminded of is that as developers, we are always learning and refining our craft and skill; there is no “arrival” or “end point” when it comes to knowledge and application of said knowledge. What makes my project stand out is the tenacity and grit that it took as I continually toyed with and refined the JS file that accompanys this specific scheduler, there is a great amount of detail and google-fu that went into creating this landscape of code. What makes my project stand out is that if someone new were to stumble upon it, they would know where to implement changes were they to evolve the need for a 9-5 or adjust it to a visual landscape that acknowledges those who may be color blind.
