Shop-now is a full-stack web application that provides a platform for E-commerce, allowing users to discover and purchase fashionable clothing items.
HTML | CSS | JavaScript | React.js | Redux | TypeScript | Chakra UI | json-server
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Admin Section: The Admin Section provides authorized users with powerful tools for managing the system. It offers CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for manipulating system data, allowing administrators to efficiently create, view, update, and delete records as needed. The section also includes statistics and analytics for monitoring application performance, providing insights into user engagement and other key metrics.
Admin Section Edit and Update Product: This Section will Provide a authorized user to update and edit proudct.
Admin Products Page filter functionality: This Section will Provide a authorized user to get product from using filter,sorting price.
User Authentication: Users can create an account, log in, and manage their profile information. This ensures a personalized experience and restricts certain features to registered users only.
Landing Page: Our landing page serves as an attractive introduction to the web app. It includes a convenient navigation bar, a visually appealing carousel that showcases rotating images or content, and informative cards highlighting recent purchases. A footer with navigation links and contact information enhances usability.
Product Section: The product section is designed to showcase a wide range of fashion items. Sortable cards display essential information such as product name, image, rating, and a view button. Additionally, infinite scroll functionality allows for seamless browsing, ensuring that users can explore numerous products effortlessly.
Login/Logout: Secure user authentication is implemented using Firebase. Users can log in to their accounts using their email and password, with only valid credentials being accepted. The logout feature allows users to securely end their sessions, ensuring the protection of their personal information.
Responsive Design: The web app is developed with a responsive design approach, ensuring that users can access and interact with the app seamlessly across various devices and screen sizes. Whether users access the app from their desktop computers, tablets, or mobile phones, the layout and functionality remain consistent.
Frontend: The Frontend of the web app is built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Chakra UI. We leverage the React framework with TypeScript to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces.
Backend: The backend utilizes Cyclic for efficient database interactions. It serves API endpoints that the Frontend consumes to access and manipulate data.
Deployment: The web app is deployed on the Vercel cloud platform, ensuring accessibility and scalability.