
Example deployment of CodeGen using LlamaIndex RAG + Ray Serve

Primary LanguagePython


Example deployment of CodeGen using LlamaIndex RAG + Ray Serve

Main Issues

  • When do we activate the LLM?
  • What do we pass in as the prompt?
  • What prompts/few-shot prompts work well for multi-turn code generation?
  • What relevant info can we give the LLM to improve outputs? (For example, giving a programming manual as RAG context)

Reach goals

  • Can we do fast multi-turn prompting to generate even better outputs?
  • If so, how do we know the LLM has "converged" onto the right answer?


  • Why aren't we using vLLM? We don't use vLLM because even though it's more performant, we'll have to re-train the model (since vLLM uses a custom KV cache). For prototyping purposes, re-training shouldn't be necessary.
  • Ray Serve gets ~half the throughput of vLLM without having to re-train


  • Checking if Ray Serve works
  • Loading HuggingFace model
  • General roadmap/skeleton code
  • Conditional activation of LLM based on user typing in VS code
  • Fleshing out RAG
  • Implementing streaming API call