Design Patterns

This project is just a collection of the design patterns that are presented in the Gang of Four Book. This project is inspired by the video series of Christopher Okhravi, which can be found on Youtube. I came across the video playlist and decided to create mini working design pattern problems in python based on some of the examples descibed in the videos.

The design patterns described in the Gang of Four - Design Patterns are mostly directed towards statically typed langauges. As such, some design patterns implemented in this project may provide some overhead to python programs and may not benefit them at all.

However, given the expressivity and concise nature of the python programming language it is an ideal choice to be used to capture the concept of the design patterns. Furthermore, given that all the design patterns will be contained within a single file, this project can be used as a quick working reference of the design patterns.


  1. Factory Method
  2. Abstract Factory


  1. Facade


  1. Strategy
  2. Decorator