Overall idea

The overall idea was to save some of the information in the blockchain (the data that should be transparent and immutable) and the remaining data which contains sensitive information should be saved in the local database.

How to run the project

well normally we couldn't finish the project completely but we have these things:

  • The smart contract is deployed on the SmaprtPy (named template_contract_for_resources.py) and then it will be compiled using online IDE and then we have the TZ file (named resource_contract.tz)
  • and then we have the contract_managers.py which contains a class to create and call the entry points of the smart contract, simply we can deploy a contract with:
            "availability": 2,
            "carbon_footprint": 200,
            "technical_compliance": str(
                {"certification": "ISO 9001", "compliance": "EU"}
            "price": 1000,
  • We have the database structure in the database.sql file (we need to add more SQL functions to the database to make it more useful)

  • We have the database_manager.py which contains a class to connect to the database and make some operations on it, and have the outputs as a simple dict object.

NOTE: I made these things to have a structral project and to make it easy to continue the project in the future. and also, we can convert it to an API very easily.

  • finally, we have the __init__.py file which is a simple flask call to other codes.

ALSO we have very static front-end design here.

How to run the project

install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

install the PostgreSQL from here and run the database.sql file to create the database and the tables. also, you can run insert_dummy_data.sql to insert some dummy data into the database.

and then run the Flask app:

flask run

or you can run the __init__.py file directly.

then simple open