
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Deso Workspace


deso-workspace is a monorepo containing javascript/typescript libraries for working with the deso blockchain


npm i deso-protocol


import { configure } from 'deso-protocol';

// configure takes all of the same options that the identity
// library's configure method takes: https://github.com/deso-protocol/deso-workspace/tree/main/libs/identity#configuration
// with the addition of the MinFeeRateNanosPerKB value that will be used for all transactions.
  spendingLimitOptions: {
    GlobalDESOLimit: 1000000000,
    TransactionCountLimitMap: {
      SUBMIT_POST: 4,
  // this is optional, if not passed the default of 1500 will be used.
  MinFeeRateNanosPerKB: 1000,

See the identity configuration options for reference.


Identity: (logging in and out, creating new accounts, etc)

import { identity } from 'deso-protocol';


See the identity usage docs for reference.

Data: fetching data from a node

import { getUsersStateless, getPostsStateless } from 'deso-protocol';

const users = await getUsersStateless({
  PublicKeysBase58Check: [key1, key2, ...rest],

const posts = await getPostsStateless({ NumToFetch: 20 });

See the backend api documentation for reference. See an exhaustive list of the available data fetching functions here.

Transactions: Writing data to the blockchain

The deso-protocol library will handle signing and submitting transactions for confirmation for you. All you need to do is construct them by providing the raw data.

import { submitPost } from 'deso-protocol';

const txInfo = submitPost({
  UpdaterPublicKeyBase58Check: currentUser.publicKey,
  BodyObj: {
    Body: 'My first post on DeSo!',
    ImageURLs: [],
    VideoURLs: [],

See the transaction construction api documentation for reference. See an exhaustive list of the available transaction construction functions here