In theory of computation, a branch of theoretical computer science, a deterministic finite automaton (DFA)—also known as deterministic finite state machine—is a finite state machine that accepts/rejects finite strings of symbols and only produces a unique computation (or run) of the automation for each input string.[1] 'Deterministic' refers to the uniqueness of the computation. In search of simplest models to capture the finite state machines, McCulloch and Pitts were among the first researchers to introduce a concept similar to finite automaton in 1943. (sited from here)
This package also can output transition table, which is a way to represent all transition function in this DFA.
dfa := NewDFA(0, false)
dfa.AddState(1, false)
dfa.AddState(2, true)
dfa.AddTransition(0, "a", 1)
dfa.AddTransition(1, "b", 2)
// ===================================================
// a| b|
// ---------------------------------------------------
// 0 | 1| NA|
// 1 | NA| 2|
// 2 | NA| NA|
// ---------------------------------------------------
// ===================================================
go get
package main
import (
func main() {
dfa := NewDFA(0, false)
dfa.AddState(1, false)
dfa.AddState(2, true)
dfa.AddTransition(0, "a", 1)
dfa.AddTransition(1, "b", 2)
var inputs []string
inputs = append(inputs, "a")
inputs = append(inputs, "b")
fmt.Println("If input a, b will go to final?", dfa.VerifyInputs(inputs) )
It is one of my project 52.
This package is licensed under MIT license. See LICENSE for details.