
A client App for oxford-face Golang package (http://github.com/kkdai/oxford-face)

Primary LanguageGo

oxford-face-client: A client App for oxford-face Golang package

GitHub license Build Status

It is a simple client to help you to maniplate the Project Oxford Face API. No need to remember complicate Face ID anymore, just input URL or image path to add our local list and compare with index.


  • Easy to add face on URL or file path.
  • List all face you input with source.
  • Easy to compare face similarity using index not face ID.
  • Easy to verify face using index not face ID.


go get -u -x github.com/kkdai/oxford-face-client


oxford-face-client   [OPTIONS]


  • -k Project Oxford API key. It is must item.
  • -v Display verbose

Interactive Command

It support command line interactive command as follow:

  • a {FACE_ADDR}: Display next page aticles. The FACE_ADDR could be URL or path.
    • ex: a https://oxfordportal.blob.core.windows.net/face/demov1/verification1-1.jpg
    • ex: a test_data/verification1-1.jpg
  • s {FACE_INDEX}: Check the Similarity of target index to other. The FACE_INDEX is the target face index of our list.
    • ex: s 1: If list has two items, will compare the similarity of index 1 and index 0.
    • ex: s 0: If list has three items, it will compare with 0->1, 0->2 similarity.
  • c {FACE1_INDEX} {FACE2_INDEX}: Will Verify if FACE1_INDEX and FACE2_INDEX is the same face or not.
    • ex: c 0 1 Check the first and second face
    • ex: c 1 3 Check the second the 4th face.
  • l: Display all store face id in our temp list.
  • v: Toggle debug information.
  • q: Exist current application.


Command:( A:Add Face S:Check Similarity C:Check input two face  V:Verbose G:Read Q:exit)

// Add first image from URL
:>a https://oxfordportal.blob.core.windows.net/face/demov1/verification1-1.jpg
New Face: id= 157675c5-ca4c-4882-ab05-72b14b0d0194

// Add second image from URL
:>a https://oxfordportal.blob.core.windows.net/face/demov1/verification1-2.jpg
New Face: id= 5a236d4a-e07c-4f9b-aaca-c13e4b5c8fc0

// Check first image and second image if it is identical face.
:>c 0 1
Is identical? true  confidence: 0.66216

//Check similarity of index "0" to other
:>s 0
Most similar in index: 1  faceid:  5a236d4a-e07c-4f9b-aaca-c13e4b5c8fc0  confidence:  0.662164748

//Add face using file path
:>a test_data/verification1-1.jpg
New Face: id= f7eb6931-835d-4d68-8272-2e8c0064c870

// List all faces
Index 	| Face ID 		| From
0 	 157675c5-ca4c-4882-ab05-72b14b0d0194 	 https://oxfordportal.blob.core.windows.net/face/demov1/verification1-1.jpg
1 	 5a236d4a-e07c-4f9b-aaca-c13e4b5c8fc0 	 https://oxfordportal.blob.core.windows.net/face/demov1/verification1-2.jpg
2 	 f7eb6931-835d-4d68-8272-2e8c0064c870 	 test_data/verification1-1.jpg


Please open up an issue on GitHub before you put a lot efforts on pull request. The code submitting to PR must be filtered with gofmt


It is one of my project 52.


This package is licensed under MIT license. See LICENSE for details.