
A simple search engine for searching running films.

Primary LanguageJava

apache-solr version apache-spark status


A simple search engine for searching running films in Korea.


This application is a simple search engine for searching running films in Korea. The word 'simple' means that It is only run on the local machine for now based on a purpose that understanding how solr search engine works.

Getting started

This is a way to start quickly in your local.

git clone https://github.com/doubleknd26/filmography.git
cd filmography
./start.sh -b


[main] INFO  com.doubleknd26.filmography.indexer.FilmographyIndexer - *** Started Filmography indexer.
[Executor task launch worker-0] INFO  com.doubleknd26.filmography.indexer.solr.SolrClientWrapper - collection filmography is created. 
[main] INFO  com.doubleknd26.filmography.indexer.FilmographyIndexer - *** Indexed doc count: 35
[main] INFO  com.doubleknd26.filmography.indexer.FilmographyIndexer - *** Unindexed doc count: 0
[main] INFO  com.doubleknd26.filmography.indexer.FilmographyIndexer - *** Filmography is ready to search. Let's search using Solr.
[main] INFO  com.doubleknd26.filmography.indexer.FilmographyIndexer - *** please visit: http://localhost:8983/solr/#/filmography/query

Visit here to see below solr admin. You can click Execute Query button to see default search result. solr admin

Execute below command to stop filmography gracefully.

cd filmography
Sending stop command to Solr running on port 8983 ... waiting up to 180 seconds to allow Jetty process 70232 to stop gracefully.


  • Apache Solr Cloud: run solr cloud on the local machine.
  • Crawler: crawls websites to get running film information.
  • Transformer: transform crawled dataset to index document.
  • Loader: Load index document to solr cloud.