KBase core service to manage app and module information, registration, and release.
Build status:
Code coverage: (develop branch)
- Pull a new base image if possible each time a module is registered
- Fix the logic that allows additional html files to be passed from a method's ui specification directory to the narrative method service during method validation
- Bugfix for change in docker build log
- No change from 2.0.7, but upgraded minor version number because many new features now exist since the initial 2.0.x release.
- Added job_id field to raw execution statistics
- Support for hidden configuration parameters
- Bug is fixed in module registration related to docker client timeout happening for long reference-data stage
- Added volume mount configuration
- Modified client group configurations so that functions are specified, not app_ids
- Allow admin users to register modules
- Initial porting to new KBase authentication clients
- Major release to support storage of local functions and dynamic services information, including methods to query/filter/fetch local function and dynamic service info
- Improved methods for fetching module versions by semantic version matching
- All old module versions are now preserved and can be retrieved by git commit hash
- Module descriptions are now attached to specific module versions instead of to the module itself, so are effectively versioned
- Tests extended to cover docker steps in registration in Travis, and added to coveralls
- Fix for bug with accessible dev-version after registration failure
- Method to generate usage stats for admins
- Allow specification of client groups
- Method to check for admin status
- Prevent reregistration of inactive modules
- First release, all features are new
- Dynamic KBase SDK module registration
- Management of the module release process (dev->beta->release)
- Versioning of all release versions
- Basic query and search of modules
- Management of approved KBase developers
- Management of favorite Apps
- Tracking and query of SDK module run statistics
- Admin methods for approving modules/developers, updating module state