
Collaborative Moms Can Code application

MIT LicenseMIT


Collaborative Moms Can Code application

We keep saying that we want to do things, but we need a place to do them. This repository can be used by anyone to develop an application collaboratively.

Here are some of the ideas that we have had:

  1. See the socials and stay connected: this was an idea to make it easier to stay on top of the SLACK, community, Facebook, etc.
  2. Geolocate other cool people who are working at the same time


Contribute away. Ways to contribute:

  • Add ideas as issues
  • Implement issues with code
  • Update this README with your thoughts.

Try to write clean code. Test your code. Ask for help. Always start a new branch to test a feature.


To get started, there are two folders. One is for SWIFT and another is for WEB. If we decide to make something that is for another platform, or want to code in several languages for web, we can create more folders. Each folder can be it's own application. Anyone can add folders or contribute code.
