
Readme: mention how to setup xbase plugin

michaelnew opened this issue · 4 comments

Sorry if I'm abusing the issue tracker here, but either something is broken or I don't know what I'm doing.

I added the plugin via vim-plug like this, and it appears to install just fine (make install succeeds at least):

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim'
Plug 'tami5/xbase', { 'do': 'make install' }
call plug#end()

The project is built with xcodegen and has a project.yml file at it's root. But when I edit a file in the project directory, nothing happens. There's also no xbase log or socket opened in /tmp.

Am I missing a config setting somewhere? I realize I installed this with vim-plug rather than packer, but I would have expected it to work the same.

oh no worries, please do abuse the issue tracker it helps us improve😅.

In this case, It's actually my fault, I totally forgot to mention the setup function required to be called at startup

Try require'xbase'.setup({}) either passing empty table or table of options overwriting the defaults specified in the readme.

I'll try this missing information to readme tomorrow,

thanks for reporting.

I will just add to this comment that it may be a good idea to also add cargo/rustup as a requirement for make install to work. It makes total sense (being a rust project and compiling it etc.) but I think it helps to have it listed as a prerequisite or something.

Sorry, finally got a chance to mess with this again and yes, works great now. So thank you 😁

I'll just mention for anyone else like me who's trying to get things working: it seems like things don't work unless xcodebuild succeeds, and that has been super fiddly for me. Running xcodebuild build sometimes works, sometimes doesn't, sometimes it works if I build in Xcode and then build from cli, sometimes it fails the first time but works the second, sometimes it works after an xcodebuild clean and sometimes not, and so on.

Typical non-deterministic Xcode stuff.

Sorry, finally got a chance to mess with this again and yes, works great now. So thank you 😁

I'll just mention for anyone else like me who's trying to get things working: it seems like things don't work unless xcodebuild succeeds, and that has been super fiddly for me. Running xcodebuild build sometimes works, sometimes doesn't, sometimes it works if I build in Xcode and then build from cli, sometimes it fails the first time but works the second, sometimes it works after an xcodebuild clean and sometimes not, and so on.

Typical non-deterministic Xcode stuff.

Yes, there are some much things that could result in build failure other than the code source having an issue. Recently, I made changes to compile command to make sure it never fails due to signing issue. Yes, definitely Xcode and xcodebuild is not developer friendly. Hopefully with time we could minimize this issues