- 1
- 1
How to install Xbase through lazy.nvim
#241 opened by johntheocs - 15
No autocomplete suggestion
#218 opened by ntdkhang - 3
xbase not started
#242 opened by johntheocs - 7
- 4
Feature request: debugger & debugger UI
#128 opened by TMTBO - 0
- 1
New files added to a xcode project only work after I remove the `.compile` file and restart neovim
#236 opened by dmbfm - 0
- 0
- 1
How to get neovim's default LSP to work with xbase?
#224 opened by sainttttt - 2
sourcekit-lsp failed to attach to the buffer
#227 opened by csyJoy - 0
When using "watch" to run on change, the simulator relaunches the app six times
#231 opened by heygarrett - 1
Error trying to use run picker
#216 opened by joshpetit - 0
attampet to concatenate field 'name'
#220 opened by kkharji - 1
Make Install not working
#209 opened by pelachile - 1
[watchignore] support ! patterns
#78 opened by github-actions - 1
- 0
- 2
- 1
- 0
[nvim] build log correct height
#73 opened by github-actions - 1
First class support for Cocapods
#193 opened by kkharji - 0
[Feature Request] Support for References
#188 opened by wojciech-kulik - 0
- 0
[Feature Request] Colored message for "Build Succeeded" and "Build Failed" in XBase Logs
#189 opened by wojciech-kulik - 21
Configuration problem
#178 opened by wojciech-kulik - 1
support inlay hints
#122 opened by kkharji - 9
Error when using a project
#111 opened by PierreCapo - 2
Can't install
#159 opened by spqw - 2
Swift Compile Commands are Never Parsed
#171 opened by spenceryr - 1
Raise warning to users on empty compile commands
#179 opened by kkharji - 0
- 0
Print to console on neovim daemon decoding error
#180 opened by kkharji - 3
Can't get it to launch
#146 opened by andrestone - 0
make sourcekit-lsp setup part of base.setup
#120 opened by kkharji - 0
support xcscheme
#87 opened by kkharji - 6
Config error during the install
#112 opened by PierreCapo - 1
Support `swift test` for Swift packages
#100 opened by smolck - 8
support xcworkspace
#86 opened by kkharji - 0
- 1
[simulators] logs sometimes missing or late
#95 opened by kkharji - 4
Readme: mention how to setup xbase plugin
#79 opened by michaelnew - 0
- 0
support add / remove files from xcodeproj
#85 opened by kkharji - 0
[ci] test opening and closing xcodeproj in neovim and the resulting behavior
#90 opened by github-actions - 1
[project] Get swift project name
#88 opened by github-actions - 0
- 0
check if scheme isn't already defined!
#75 opened by github-actions - 0