This repo contains code accompanying the paper, Safe Option-Critic: Learning Safety in the Option-Critic Architecture.
For experiments in the grid-world and cartpole, see this codebase.
Here's a list of all dependencies:
- Numpy
- Theano
- Lasagne
- Argparse
- OpenAI Gym [Atari]
- matplotlib
- PIL (Image)
To train, run following command:
python --sub-env Breakout --num-options 8 --num-threads 16 --folder-name Breakout_model
or, you might need to run:
THEANO_FLAGS=floatX=float32 python2.7 --sub-env Breakout --num-options 8 --num-threads 16 --folder-name Breakout_model
To view a list of available parameters, run:
print --help
During training, you can run utils/ to view the training curve. Every argument given can be a path to a different run, which will put all runs on the same plot.
python utils/ models/Breakout_model/ models/Breakout_model_v2/ models/Breakout_model_v3/
or, you might need to run:
THEANO_FLAGS=floatX=float32 python2.7 utils/ models/Breakout_model_v1/ models/Montezuma_model/
For training with different hyperparameters than the default settings, Here is an example of setting controllability true with a parameter 4.0
THEANO_FLAGS=floatX=float32 python2.7 --sub-env Seaquest --num-options 8 --num-threads 16 --folder-name Seaquest_model_C0.5 --controllability True --beta 4.0
Here is an example of how to train with different delib cost, margin cost, etc:
THEANO_FLAGS=floatX=float32 python2.7 --sub-env Seaquest --num-options 8 --delib-cost 0.020 --margin-cost 0.99 --num-threads 16 --folder-name Seaquest_model_NC_D0.02_M0.99
To watch model after training, run and give it the path the saved model files. e.g.:
python models/Breakout_model/
or you might need to run:
THEANO_FLAGS=floatX=float32 python2.7 models/Montezuma_model/
To plot multiple training curves during or after training, you could run:
python2.7 utils/ pathto/models/MsPacman_DC0.02_MC0.99_C0.15_OPT4_EPS0.2 pathto/models/MsPacman_DC0.02_MC0.99_C0_OPT4_EPS0.2/ pathto/models/MsPacman_DC0.02_MC0.99_C0.5_OPT4_EPS0.2/ pathto/models/MsPacman_DC0.02_MC0.99_C2.0_OPT4_EPS0.2/
To plot multiple runs averaged learning curves, you could run:
python2.7 utils/ /pathto/models_run5/models/MsPacman_DC0.02_MC0.99_C0_OPT4_EPS0.2 /pathto/serverbackup/models_run5/models/MsPacman_DC0.02_MC0.99_C0.05_OPT4_EPS0.2 /pathto/models_run5/models/MsPacman_DC0.02_MC0.99_C0.10_OPT4_EPS0.2 /pathto/serverbackup/models_run5/models/MsPacman_DC0.02_MC0.99_C0.15_OPT4_EPS0.2 /pathto/models_run5/models/MsPacman_DC0.02_MC0.99_C0.25_OPT4_EPS0.2
Here, it is assumed that you have the data from all different runs saved in the path1/models_runx/models
To ask questions, please open an issue on the issues tracker.