Chat ArXiv - Backend

This repository contains the backed functionality of the Chat ArXiv Bot interface.

Chat ArXiv is an attempt to create a chat bot using a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) model to interact with the ArXiv Preprint Server.

This is an ongoing development and we expect it to significantly change over time.


  1. Setup Development Environment:
  • Install dependencies like llama-index, FastAPI, uvicorn, pytest etc.
  • Set up a basic project structure - app/, tests/, models/, schemas/, database/.
  1. Data Ingestion and Creation of Vector Database:
  • Set up a local instance of Weaviate in Docker to begin development.
  • Download the latest dump of arXiv metadata (title, authors, year, abstract). Currently, we will not use the papers.
  • Evaluate and identify a suitable text embbedding model than can be locally used with llama index.
  • Create chunks from the arXiv metadata, create the embeddings of these chunks and insert them into the vector database.
  1. Create API endpoints
  • GET /search: Endpoint to query the vector database.
  • GET /document/{id}: To query the ArXiv API to fetch a particular paper.
  • POST /feedback: To collect user feedback on anything in the product.
  • GET /stats: To provide statistical data on the usage of the API, common queries, user engagement etc. Evaluate monitoring tools like Prometheus and visualization tools like Grafana for this purpose.
  • POST /update-index: To trigger updates to the vector database to add new documents or update existing ones.
  • GET /suggest/{query}: To provide autocomplete suggestions or similar queries as the user types.
  1. API Endpoint Documentation:
  • Evaluate Swagger UI.
  1. Incorporate API Rate Limiting
  • Choose a rate limiting strategy - Fixed Window, Sliding Window Log, or Token Bucket.
  • Integrate SlowAPI with FastAPI for rate limiting.
  • Define rate limits for each of the endpoints
  1. Testing
  • Unit Tests
  • Integration Tests
  • Functional Tests
  • Security Tests