
A Free PHP Interface with VB.NET based Stub and Builder BotNET

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A Free PHP Interface Botnet with VB.NET based Stub and Builder

About BlackNET

BlackNET is a simple botnet with PHP Panel and VB.NET Output

Created By : DarkSoftwareCo

What You Can Do

  1. Upload File
  2. DDOS Attack [ TCP,UDP,ARME,Slowloris ]
  3. Open Webpage
  4. Show MessageBox
  5. Uninstall Client
  6. Close Client

How to Install PHP Panel

  1. Download BlackNET - PHP Panel.zip
  2. Upload The ZIP File to your Server
  3. Extract it
  4. Go to PHPMyAdmin
  5. Create a database and name it [ blacknet ]
  6. Import blacknet.sql for database structure
  7. Change the data in config.php
  8. Change blacknet files and folders permission to 7777

Default Login Data

Username : admin

Password : admin


Image of the interface

Image of the Builder

Client Dectection Rate

Image of the Dectection


Copyright © Black.Hacker and DarkSofrwareCo - 2019