
Converter which can convert PyTorch model to TensorFlow.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Now version

  • Python version: 3.7.3 (default, Mar 27 2019, 22:11:17)
  • [GCC 7.3.0]
  • ONNX version: 1.5.0
  • ONNX-TF version: 1.5.0
  • Tensorflow version: 1.14.0

ONNX-TF is modified based on following reason. (see Update or shot me in issue.)

Update (2020/09/26)

The following model are convert from PyTorch to TensorFlow pb successfully. (using converter.py and customized onnx-tf version )

  • AlexNet (Notice: Dilation2D issue, need to modify onnx-tf.)
  • ResNet18
  • Squeezenet
  • Mobilenet-V2 (Notice: A-Lots-Conv2Ds issue, need to modify onnx-tf.) (Max/Min node in pb issue, can be remove from pb.)
  • Inception_v3
  • Densenet_161
  • Densenet_121 partial
  • YOLOv3 (Notice: YOLO layer issue, dont know how to solve it now.)

Issues (2020/09/25)

  • Googlenet
  • Densenet_121 partial
  • YOLOv3 (Notice: YOLO layer issue, dont know how to solve it now.)


A Conversion tool to convert YOLO v3 Darknet weights to TF Lite model (YOLO v3 PyTorch > ONNX > TensorFlow > TF Lite), and to TensorRT model (dynamic_axes branch).


  • python3
  • torch==1.3.1
  • torchvision==0.4.2
  • onnx==1.6.0
  • onnx-tf==1.5.0
  • onnxruntime-gpu==1.0.0
  • tensorflow-gpu==1.15.0


docker pull zldrobit/onnx:10.0-cudnn7-devel


  • 1. Download pretrained Darknet weights:
cd weights
wget https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3.weights 
  • 2. Convert YOLO v3 model from Darknet weights to ONNX model: Change ONNX_EXPORT to True in models.py. Run
python3 detect.py --cfg cfg/yolov3.cfg --weights weights/yolov3.weights

The output ONNX file is weights/export.onnx.

  • 3. Convert ONNX model to TensorFlow model:
python3 onnx2tf.py

The output file is weights/yolov3.pb.

  • 4. Preprocess pb file to avoid NCHW conv, 5-D ops, and Int64 ops:
python3 prep.py

The output file is weights/yolov3_prep.pb.

  • 5. Use TOCO to convert pb -> tflite:
toco --graph_def_file weights/yolov3_prep.pb \
    --output_file weights/yolov3.tflite \
    --output_format TFLITE \
    --inference_type FLOAT \
    --inference_input_type FLOAT \
    --input_arrays input.1 \
    --output_arrays concat_84

The output file is weights/yolov3.tflite. Now, you can run python3 tflite_detect.py to detect objects in an image.


  • 1. Install flatbuffers: Please refer to flatbuffers.

  • 2. Download TFLite schema:

wget https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/raw/r1.15/tensorflow/lite/schema/schema.fbs
  • 3. Run TOCO to convert and quantize pb -> tflite:
toco --graph_def_file weights/yolov3_prep.pb \
    --output_file weights/yolov3_quant.tflite \
    --output_format TFLITE  \
    --input_arrays input.1 \
    --output_arrays concat_84 \

The output file is weights/yolov3_quant.tflite.

  • 4. Convert tflite -> json:
flatc -t --strict-json --defaults-json -o weights schema.fbs  -- weights/yolov3_quant.tflite

The output file is weights/yolov3_quant.json.

  • 5. Fix ReshapeOptions:
python3 fix_reshape.py

The output file is weights/yolov3_quant_fix_reshape.json.

  • 6. Convert json -> tflite:
flatc -b -o weights schema.fbs weights/yolov3_quant_fix_reshape.json

The output file is weights/yolov3_quant_fix_reshape.tflite. Now, you can run

python3 tflite_detect.py --weights weights/yolov3_quant_fix_reshape.tflite

to detect objects in an image.

Auxiliary Files

  • ONNX inference and detection: onnx_infer.py and onnx_detect.py.
  • TensorFlow inference and detection: tf_infer.py and tf_detect.py.
  • TF Lite inference, detection and debug: tflite_infer.py, tflite_detect.py and tflite_debug.py.

Known Issues

  • The conversion code does not work with tensorflow==1.14.0: Running prep.py cause protobuf error (Channel order issue in Conv2D).
  • fix_reshape.py does not fix shape attributes in TFLite tensors, which may cause unknown side effects.


  • support tflite quantized model
  • use dynamic_axes for ONNX export to support dynamic batching and TensorRT conversion (dynamic_axes branch)
  • add TensorRT NMS support (trt_nms branch)


We borrow PyTorch code from ultralytics/yolov3, and TensorFlow low-level API conversion code from paulbauriegel/tensorflow-tools.