
A way to create named, persistent collections using the browser's localStorage key-value store (with subscriptions to their modifications!).

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A way to create named, persistent collections using the browser's localStorage key-value store (with subscriptions to their modifications!). I personally use this in mobile web or Apache Cordova (PhoneGap) apps to persist information.

Getting Started

Clone this repository and include localdb.js in your project's libraries.


Creating a new LocalDB collection

var db = new LocalDB(name, preprocessor);

The name describes the collection and is used to retrieve it.

The preprocessor is used on every stored element in the collection to transform it from a regular JS object into the type of object you'd like it to be. A standard preprocessor can look something like this:

var defaultPreprocessor = function(item, id) {
	return new BetterItem(item, id);

The preprocessor is called when the items are originally retrieved from localStorage or are added to the collection. The collection also creates internal ids to identify items which are used to retrieve items.

Adding items to the collection

	"hello": "world!"
// => generated id

Removing items from the collection

// => true on success, false on failure

Getting items from the collection

// => item on success, null on failure

Subscribing to collection changes

db.subscribe(function(entries) {
	// do something with entries

The collection publishes changes when addItem or removeItem are called.

Saving the collection to localStorage


Coming Soon

  • Metadata about which entry is currently active. Useful for items like users one of which is active at a time.
  • Getting items by anything except their ids.
  • Adding functional methods to dbs: filter, forEach, reduce, map, etc.


Ask me to become a core contributor to the project or send in your pull requests.

Release History

  • 2013 May 25 - v0.1.1 - Adding saving of the collection at any time and making some member functions private.
  • 2013 May 24 - v0.1.0 - Implements adding, removing, and getting entries into the named collections. Also adds pub/sub functionality to the mix.


Copyright (c) 2013 Kirill Klimuk Licensed under the MIT license.