
This is a repository for people starting out using maven on the terminal/vim

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Simple Maven that is not so simple

This is a repository for people starting out using maven on the terminal/vim.

Reason for this project

I am a student that like to figure out things, instead of using an IDE that do all of these things for me.
I did this project because I find it hard to find any information on maven.

Aliases for creating maven projects.

These aliases are for creating maven projects on the terminal.
put this is your .bashrc or .zshrc

alias \
	mvnc="mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart" \
	mvnc_fxml_javafx="mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.openjfx -DarchetypeArtifactId=javafx-archetype-fxml" \
	mvnc_simple_javafx="mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.openjfx -DarchetypeArtifactId=javafx-archetype-simple" 

Screencasting of How to create a maven project

How to run maven projects

The command for running a chosen main class is like this.

$ mvn clean compile exec:java -D"exec.mainClass"="org.sample.App"

The mvncr can find and list java main classes you can the chose what main class to run. If you copy it into a file remember too to make it executable $ chmod +x mvncr You can run it with command auguments like mvncr run or mvncr compile or mvncr clean. If you do not write anything it will automatically do a clean compile.


# A tool to find main classes in a maven project.
# the tool compiles the project and then launch the chosen main class.
# The script should be launch in a directory with a `pom.xml` file.

# Seperated by spaces
javaMainClassList=$(grep -r "public static void main" . | \
    sed -e "s,..src/main/java/,,g;\
    s,.java: * public static void main(String\[] args) .*,,g; \

PS3='Please select java class to run: '
select opt in $javaMainClassList
    case "$1" in
            printf '\x1b[31m %b \x1b[m' "\nrunning: $opt \n\n"
            mvn clean compile exec:java "-Dexec.mainClass=$opt"
            printf '\x1b[34m %b \x1b[m' "\ncompile and running: $opt \n\n"
            mvn compile exec:java "-Dexec.mainClass=$opt"
            printf '\x1b[35m %b \x1b[m' "\nclean, compile and running: $opt \n\n"
            mvn clean compile exec:java "-Dexec.mainClass=$opt"
            break ;;

How to compile a .jar file

$ mvn clean install 

This runs test and then compiling to the jar file that will be located at target/someJarfile.jar

Screencasting of How to run maven projects

How to test maven projects

run all test

$ mvn test

for testing specific class use this command

$ mvn test -Dtest=SomeClassHere

How to figure out dependencies management

All the dependencies will be in your pom.xml file.
the section in your pom.xml file should look like this with dependencies.





If you know html, you can figure out how to add more dependencies.
for finding libs/dependencies use this website mvnrepository.com.

If you are new to the terminal and other FAQ

The dollar sign $ means run as a normal user.
The hashtag sign # means run as a super user/root.
libs means library

Pull request are welcome