SCAPE Tika RESTful web service ============================== This repository contains a RESTful web service based on the OpenPlanets/Tika implementation. Running: 1) Clone the OpenPlanets/Tika to your local machine and install it in your maven repo (mvn clean install) 2) Clone the repo to your local machine. 3) Add your local Tomcat server authentication information to your maven settings.xml file: <servers> <!-- Local Tomcat 7 installation --> <server> <id>TomcatServer</id> <username>username</username> <password>password</password> </server> </servers> (If you change the <id>, you will also need to make the same change in the POM) 4) Start Tomcat 5) Finally, cd to the repo and run: mvn clean install tomcat:redeploy API: * GET Tika/rest/mime?file=<path_to_file> - returns a String representation of the specified file's mime-type * GET Tika/rest/parse?file=<path_to_file> - returns a String containing the metadata output from Tika