
Apache Tika bridge for Node.js. Text and metadata extraction, language detection and more.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Provides text extraction, metadata extraction, mime-type detection, text-encoding detection and language detection. All via a native Java bridge with the Apache Tika content-analysis toolkit. Bundles Tika 1.7.

Build Status

Depends on node-java, which itself requires the JDK and Python 2 (not 3) to compile.

Requires JDK 7. Run node version to check the version that node-java is using. If the wrong version is reported even if you installed JDK 1.7, make sure JAVA_HOME is set to the correct path then delete node_modules/java and rerun npm install.

Extracting text

var tika = require('tika');

var options = {

	// Hint the content-type. This is optional but would help Tika choose a parser in some cases.
	contentType: 'application/pdf'

tika.text('test/data/file.pdf', options, function(err, text) {

We can even extract directly from the Web. If the server returns a content-type header, it will be passed to Tika as a hint.

tika.text('http://www.ohchr.org/EN/UDHR/Documents/UDHR_Translations/eng.pdf', function(err, text, meta) {
	// ...

Or extract text using OCR (requires Tesseract).

tika.text('test/data/ocr/simple.jpg', {
	ocrLanguage: 'eng'
}, function(err, text) {
	// ...


All methods that accept a uri parameter accept relative or absolute file paths and http:, https: or ftp: URLs.

The available options are the following.

  • contentType to provide a hint to Tika on which parser to use.
  • outputEncoding to specify the text output encoding. Defaults to UTF-8.
  • ocrLanguage to set the language used by Tesseract. This option is required to enable OCR.
  • tesseractPath to set the path to the Tesseract binaries.
  • password to set a password to be used for encrypted files.

tika.extract(uri, [options,] cb)

Extract both text and metadata from a file.

tika.extract('test/data/file.pdf', function(err, text, meta) {
	console.log(text); // Logs 'Just some text'.
	console.log(meta.producer[0]); // Logs 'LibreOffice 4.1'.

tika.text(uri, [options,] cb)

Extract text from a file.

tika.text('test/data/file.pdf', function(err, text) {

tika.xhtml(uri, [options,] cb)

Get an XHTML representation of the text extracted from a file.

tika.xhtml('test/data/file.pdf', function(err, xhtml) {

tika.meta(uri, [options,] cb)

Extract metadata from a file. Returns an object with names as keys and arrays as values.

tika.meta('test/data/file.pdf', function(err, meta) {
	console.log(meta.producer[0]); // Logs 'LibreOffice 4.1'.

tika.type(uri, cb)

Detect the content-type (MIME type) of a file.

tika.type('test/data/file.pdf', function(err, contentType) {
	console.log(contentType); // Logs 'application/pdf'.

tika.charset(uri, [options,] cb)

Detect the character set (text encoding) of a file.

tika.charset('test/data/file.txt', function(err, charset) {
	console.log(charset); // Logs 'ISO-8859-1'.

tika.typeAndCharset(uri, cb)

Detect the content-type and character set of a file.

The character set will be appended to the mime-type if available.

tika.typeAndCharset('test/data/file.txt', function(err, typeAndCharset) {
	console.log(typeAndCharset); // Logs 'text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1'.

tika.language(string, cb)

Detect the language a given string is written in.

tika.language('This is just some text in English.', function(err, language, reasonablyCertain) {
	console.log(language); // Logs 'en'.
	console.log(reasonablyCertain); // Logs true or false.

Credits and collaboration

Developed by Matthew Caruana Galizia. Please feel free to submit an issue or pull request.


Copyright (c) 2013 Matthew Caruana Galizia. Licensed under an MIT-style license.

Apache Tika JAR distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.