This isn't really a README. It's just a text document full of shit that was written at 4 am. So honestly, the only thing correct about this is probably the filetype. Then again, what the fk is markdown supposed to do anyways.

Tile Prefab

  • Texture
  • Possible Floors

tile transform current coordinate current floor players north, south, east, west tiles list of other edges cardtype (can be null)

Controller prefab undirected graph of tiles list of edges turn controller list of active players/characters

  • public get player i list of unused tiles haunt counter haunt

cardtype enum Item, Event, Omen

card name description target player(s) - function that returns true for affected players persists - boolean marks if card should remain active post end of turn onDraw - function called on draw, parameters: player that drew the card, haunt/not haunt onDiscard - function called on discard, parameters: players current affected by card, rolls (if any)

a haunt is a proxy

player/character name bday stats coordinate + current tile