
Quantitative finance research tools in Python

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

License Python Build Status T-shirt

This package aims to provide environments within which best-in-class open source tools across both financial research (e.g., zipline, alphelens, and pyfolio) and machine learning (e.g., scikit-learn, LightGBM, PyMC3, pytorch, and fastai) operate together. The "stable" enviroment is on Python 3.5 and does not include fastai. The "latest" environment is on Python 3.6 and relies on the backwards compatibility PEP for packages which state only 3.5 support (e.g., zipline). The latest environment includes the pre-release of PyTorch 1.0 and fastai 1.0.x. The PyTorch version in both environments is currently "CPU" only (i.e., no GPU/CUDA for now). The "tests" are only testing that the environments are built without conflict for now.

Additionally, this package provides functions to make the equity alpha factor research process more accessible and productive. Convenience functions sit on top of zipline and, specifically, the Pipeline cross-sectional classes and functions in that package. alphatools allows you to

  • run_pipeline in a Jupyter notebook (or from any arbitrary Python code) in your local environment,
  • create Pipeline factors at runtime on arbitrary data sources (just expose the endpoint for data sitting somewhere, specify the schema, and...it's available for use in Pipeline!),
  • parse and compile "expression" style alphas as described the paper "101 Formulaic Alphas" into Pipeline factors, and
  • work with and plot ingested pricing data from an arbitrary bundle with a get_pricing(...) function call.

For example, with alphatools, you can, say, within a Jupyter notebook,

from alphatools.research import run_pipeline
from alphatools.ics import Sector
from alphatools.data import Factory
from alphatools.expression import ExpressionAlpha
from zipline.pipeline.data import USEquityPricing as USEP
from zipline.pipeline.factors import Returns, AverageDollarVolume
from zipline.pipeline import Pipeline

n_assets = 500
universe = AverageDollarVolume(window_length=120).top(n_assets)

my_factor = (
    (-Returns(mask=universe, window_length=5)

expr_factor = (
        'rank(indneutralize(-log(close/delay(close, 4)), IndClass.sector))'

p = Pipeline(screen=universe)

p.add(my_factor, '5d_MR_Sector_Neutral_Rank')
p.add(expr_factor, '5d_MR_Expression_Alpha')

p.add(Factory['my_special_data'].value.latest.zscore(), 'Special_Factor')

start_date = '2017-01-04'
end_date = '2017-12-28'

df = run_pipeline(p, start_date, end_date)

Bring Your Own Data

To "Bring Your Own Data", you simply point the Factory object to an endpoint and specify the schema. This is done by adding to the json file data_sources.json. For example, if you have a csv file on disk, data.csv, and a PostgreSQL table somewhere else, you would create data_sources.json as

	"my_special_data": {
		"url": "/full/path/to/data/data.csv",
		"schema": "var * {asof_date: datetime, sid: int64, value: float64}"
	"my_database_data": {
		"url": "postgresql://$USER:$PASS@hostname::my-table-name",
		"schema": "var * {asof_date: datetime, sid: int64, price_to_book: float64}"

In the case of the example PostgreSQL url, note that the text $USER will be substituted with the text in the environment variable USER and the text $PASS will be substituted with the text in the environment variable PASS. Basically, any text token in the url which is preceeded by $ will be substituted by the text in the environment variable of that name. Hence, you do not need to expose actual credentials in this file.

The schema is specified as a dshape from the package datashape (docs here). The magic happens via the blaze/datashape/odo stack. You can specify the url to a huge variety of source formats including json, csv, PostgreSQL tables, MongoDB collections, bcolz, Microsoft Excel(!?), .gz compressed files, collections of files (e.g., myfiles_*.csv), and remote locations like Amazon S3 and a Hadoop Distributed File System. To me, the odo documentation on URI strings is the clearest explanation on this.

Note that this data must be mapped to the sid as mapped by zipline ingest. Also, the data rowwise dates must be in a column titled asof_date. You can then access this data like

from alphatools.data import Factory
my_factor = Factory['my_database_data'].price_to_book.latest.rank()

This functionality should allow you to use new data in research very quickly with the absolute minimal amount of data engineering and/or munging. For example, commercial risk model providers often provide a single file per day for factor loadings (e.g., data_yyyymmdd_fac.csv). After sid mapping and converting the date column name to asof_date, this data can be immediately available in Pipeline by putting a url in data_sources.json like "url": "/path/to/dir/data_*_fac.csv", and schema like "var * {asof_date: datetime, sid: int64, MKT_BETA: float64, VALUE: float64, MOMENTUM: float64, ST_REVERSAL: float64 ...".

Expression Alphas

The ability to parse "expression" alphas is meant to help speed the research process and/or allow financial professionals with minimal Python experience to test alpha ideas. See "101 Formulaic Alphas" for details on this DSL. The (EBNF) grammar is fully specified "here". We use the Lark Python parsing library (great name, no relation). Currently, the data for open, high, low, close, volume are accessible; the following calculations and operators are implemented

  • vwap: the daily vwap (as a default, this is approximated with (close + (opens + high + low)/3)/2).
  • returns: daily close-to-close returns.
  • +,-, *, /, ^: as expected, though only for two terms (i.e., only <expr> <op> <expr>); ^ is exponentiation, not bitwise or.
  • -x: unary minus on x (i.e., negation).
  • abs(x), log(x), sign(x): elementwise standard math operations.
  • >, <, ==, ||: elementwise comparator operations returning 1 or 0.
  • x ? y : z: C-style ternary operator; if x: y; else z.
  • rank(x): scaled ranks, per day, across all assets (i.e., the cross-sectional rank); ranks are descending such that the rank of the maximum raw value in the vector is 1.0; the smallest rank is 1/N. The re-scale of the ranks to the interval [1/N,1] is implied by Alpha 1: 0.50 is subtracted from the final ranked value. The ordinal method is used to match Pipeline method .rank().
  • delay(x, days): x lagged by days. Note that the days parameter in delay and delta differs from the window_length parameter you may be familiar with in Pipeline. The window_length refers to a the number of data points in the (row axis of the) data matrix, not the number of days lag. For example, in Pipeline if you want daily returns, you specify a window_length of 2 since you need 2 data points--today and the day prior--to get a daily return. In an expression alpha, the days is the lag from today. Concretely, a simple example to show is: the Pipeline factor Returns(window_length=2) is precisely equal to the expression alpha delta(close,1)/delay(close,1).
  • correlation(x, y, days): the Pearson correlation of the values for assets in x to the corresponding values for the same assets in y over days; note this is very slow in the current implementation.
  • covariance(x, y, days): the covariance of the values for assets in x to the corresponding values for the same assets in y over days; note this is very slow as well currently.
  • delta(x, days): diff on x per days timestep.
  • signedpower(x, a): elementwise sign(x)*(abs(x)^a).
  • decay_linear(x, days): weighted sum of x over the past days with linearly decaying weights (weights sum to 1; max of the weights is on the most recent day).
  • indneutralize(x, g): x, cross-sectionally "neutralized" (i.e., demeaned) against the group membership classifier g. g must be in the set {IndClass.sector, IndClass.industry, IndClass.subindustry}. The set g maps to the Pipeline classifiers Sector() and SubIndustry() in alphatools.ics. Concretely, the Pipeline factor Returns().demean(groupby=Sector()) is equivalent (save a corner case on NaN treatment) to the expression indneutralize(returns, IndClass.sector). If you do not specifically pass a token for g, the default of IndClass.industry is applied.
  • ts_max(x, days): the per asset time series max on x over the trailing days (also ts_min(...)).
  • max(a, b): The paper says that max is an alias for ts_max(a, b); I think this is an error. Alphas 71, 73, 76, 87, and 96 do not parse with max as alias for ts_max. Rather I believe that max means elementwise maximum of two arrays (i.e., like pmax(...) in R and np.maximum(...) in Numpy) and have implemented it as such; same for min(a, b).
  • ts_argmax(x, days): on which day ts_max(x, days) occurred (also ts_argmin(...)) scaled to the interval [1/days,1]. For example, if window (days) is 10 days, and the max is in the most recent day, it will return 1.0; if the max is in the earliest day it will return 0.10.
  • ts_rank(x, days): the time series rank per asset on x over the the trailing days. Currently this is in the range [0,1], but should be [1/days,1].
  • sum(x, days): the sum per asset on x over the trailing days.
  • product(x, days): the product per asset on x over the trailing days.
  • stddev(x, days): the standard deviation per asset on x over the trailing days.
  • adv{days}: the average daily dollar volume per asset over the trailing days (e.g., adv20 gives the 20-day trailing average daily dollar volume).

The expression alpha parser produces zipline compatible Pipeline factor code. This implementation makes use of the bottleneck package which provides many numpy-style rolling aggregations, implemented in highly optimized compiled C code. The bottleneck package is distributed in binary form in the Anaconda Python distribution (see Installation below).

For example, the expression alpha "#9" from the paper

((0 < ts_min(delta(close, 1), 5)) ? delta(close, 1) : ((ts_max(delta(close, 1), 5) < 0) ? delta(close, 1) : (-1 * delta(close, 1))))

is compiled into a usable Pipeline factor, e, as

e = (
	ExpressionAlpha('((0 < ts_min(delta(close, 1), 5)) ? delta(close, 1) : ((ts_max(delta(close, 1), 5) < 0) ? delta(close, 1) : (-1 * delta(close, 1))))).

The abstract snytax tree ("AST") can be visualized with from lark.tree import pydot__tree_to_png; pydot__tree_to_png(e.tree, "alpha9.png"):

This is quite helpful, in my opinion, to understand a third-party alpha like this. So what's happening? Looking top to bottom at each level, left to right: if zero is less than the minimum of the daily price change over the trailing five days (i.e., if the stock has gone up every day for the last five days), then the factor value is simpy the price change over the most recent day, which is a positive number by definition, and thus bets that positive momentum will continue. That branch should be pretty rare (meaning it would be rare for a stock to go up every day for five days in a row). Otherwise, we check if the max price change in the last 5 days is less than zero (i.e., the stock has gone down every day for the last 5 days), then the factor value again is just the price change over the most recent day, which is a negative number by definition. Thus if the stock has gone straight down for 5 days, the factor bets that it will continue. This should also be rare. Lastly, if neither of these two states exist, the factor value is just -1 times the last day's price change; i.e., a bet on mean reversion. Hence, by inspecting the parse tree like this, we can understand that this alpha is a momentum/mean-reversion switching factor; it assumes momentum will persist if the prior five days have moved in the same direction, otherwise it assumes mean-reversion will occur.

You can see the resuling Pipeline code (though this is not necessary to use the alpha in run_pipeline) with print(e.pipeline_code):

class ExprAlpha_1(CustomFactor):
    inputs = [USEP.close]
    window_length = 17

    def compute(self, today, assets, out, close):
        v0 = close - np.roll(close, 1, axis=0)
        v1 = bn.move_min(v0, window=5, min_count=1,  axis=0)
        v2 = np.less(0, v1)
        v3 = close - np.roll(close, 1, axis=0)
        v4 = close - np.roll(close, 1, axis=0)
        v5 = bn.move_max(v4, window=5, min_count=1,  axis=0)
        v6 = np.less(v5, 0)
        v7 = close - np.roll(close, 1, axis=0)
        v8 = close - np.roll(close, 1, axis=0)
        v9 = 1*v8
        v10 = -v9
        v11 = np.where(v6, v7, v10)
        v12 = np.where(v2, v3, v11)
        out[:] = v12[-1]

There is no compile-time optimization of the AST at all! What is happening is that the compiler walks down the AST and converts each node into a Python equivalent (numpy, bottleneck, and/or pandas) expression, keeping track of the call stack so that future references to prior calculations are correct. The resulting Python code is in the style of "three-address code". There is of course plenty of optimization which can be done.

Note that there is no reference implementation of the expression-style alpha syntax to test against and that there are many specific details lacking the paper. As such, this implementation makes some assumptions where necessary (as a simple example, the paper does not specify if rank is ascending or descending, however, it obviously should be ascending as a larger raw value should produce a larger numberical rank to keep the alpha vector directly proportional). This is experimental and I have created only a handful of tests.

Using Your Own Data in Expression Alphas

It is also possible to use the "bring your own data" functionality provided by the Factory object in an expression alpha. This is done with one or more factory expressions. The syntax is

  • factory("<dataset>"): where "<dataset>" is the name you would pass into the Factory object (for now assuming the data is in a column called "value"). Concretely, if you have a dataset, "sample", defined in the data_sources.json file, you can access it in an expression as:
(returns > 0) ? factory("sample") : -sum(returns, 5)

This compiles to the Pipeline factor as:

class ExprAlpha_1(CustomFactor):
    inputs = [Returns(window_length=2), Factory["sample"].value]
    window_length = 7

    def compute(self, today, assets, out, returns, factory0):
        v0 = np.greater(returns, 0)
        v1 = pd.DataFrame(data=returns).rolling(
            window=5, center=False, min_periods=1).sum().values
        v2 = -v1
        v3 = np.where(v0, factory0, v2)
        out[:] = v3[-1]


Run the following in order:

git clone https://github.com/marketneutral/alphatools
cd alphatools
zipline ingest

Note that when you run zipline ingest the security master is built from scratch and each sid is assigned at that time. You must map the Sector, Industry classifiers in this package and all your own data after every zipline ingest. You can map the Sector and Industry classifiers with

alphatools ingest

A Word on Sector and Industry Classfiers Included

Sector and Industry data were scraped from Yahoo Finance on September 18, 2017 for the full Quandl WIKI universe at that time. The SIC and CIK codes were scraped from Rank and Filed on September 15, 2017. The classifiers built from this data assume that the codes have never and do never change (i.e., there is no concept of an asset being reclassified over time). Be aware that there is lookahead bias in this (e.g., a good example of why there is lookahead bias is with Corning, Inc. which is classified as a Technology/Electronic Components company in this dataset, but from 1851 to the 2000s(?) was actually classified as a boring Industrial glass company; the economic make up the company changed sometime in the early 1990s when optic fiber production became an important revenue driver and later with iPhone glass. At some point, the ICS providers changed the classification from "boring" to "high tech", but this was surely lagging the actual transformation of the company; hence...lookahead bias).

A Word on Fundamental Data

Although there is a Fundamentals factor included, there is no Fundamental data included in the package. This factor was built on top of the DataFrameLoader to get a pandas.DataFrame into a factor. I think I will deprecate this in favor of using the Factory object as described above. In the meantime, the Fundamentals pipeline factors can be built from make_fundamentals.py with your own data. Note that these factors use the DataFrameLoader which means the data must fit in memory.


Though this is in the LICENSE file, it bears noting that this software is provided on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE

Additionally, nothing in this package constitutes investment advice. This package is a personal project and nothing in its functionality or examples is reflective of any past or current employer.

Lastly, there are no automated tests (or any significnat tests for that matter), no automated nightly build, no docstrings, or any other features associated with what you might consider a well supported open source package.

I hope you enjoy this package. Please leave feedback.