
Ansible role to pull and setup Django app ready to serve.

Django app

Ansible role to pull and setup Django app ready to serve.


Make sure that you pasted SSH public key for given user when accessing git repo via SSH.

Role Variables


  • app - app label (base directory); required
  • app_name - name of Django app defaults to {{ app }}, used only if you need to have couple deployments for single app/repo

git repository

  • git_repo - address to git repo (required)
  • branch - branch to pull from (default: master)


  • py_ver - python major version: either 2 or 3 (default: 3)
  • requirements - path to requirements.txt file relative to project repo
  • django_venv - force (re)creation of venv; default: no


  • django_settings_tpl - path to settings template; it can be set to _default_settings.py.j2, or use it to roll your own
  • django_settings_module - dot seperated python module holding settings for Django
  • db_host, db_port, db_name, db_pass - database connection details; used in (default) settings template
  • secret - value for SECRET_KEY in (default) settings template


  • django_commands - list of manage.py commands to run; by default this is:
    • compilemessages
    • collectstatic
    • syncdb
    • migrate
  • django_manage - empty string is set by default, which means that commands are run only if changes in git were introduced; if set to true, even if no change in was made - commands are run, if false, no manage.py commands are run even if changes were made;
  • django_fixtures - list of fixtures to apply
  • django_admins - list of dictionaries w/ email, username keys & optionally user & pass that will be used to set password for each given user
  • django_users - list of dictionaries w/ user, pass keys for password set
  • django_ignore_manage_errors - ignore manage.py's errors; this is true by default, due to the fact that password setup, adding admin users is not idempotent


  • django_packges - list of .deb packages that should be installed for venv & app

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
    - role: django_app
      git_repo: https://github.com/xkoralsky/sample.git
      requirements: requirements.txt
      branch: develop
