Implementation of a parser and translator for a language supporting string operations. The language supports concatenation (+) and "reverse" operators over strings, function definitions and calls, conditionals (if-else i.e, every "if" must be followed by an "else"), and the following logical expression:
`is-prefix-of (string1 prefix string2): Whether string1 is a prefix of string2.`
All values in the language are strings.
The precedence of the operator expressions is defined as: precedence(if) < precedence(concat) < precedence(reverse).
Your parser, based on a context-free grammar, will translate the input language into Java. You will use JavaCUP for the generation of the parser combined either with a hand-written lexer or a generated-one (e.g., using JFlex, which is encouraged).
You will infer the desired syntax of the input and output languages from the examples below. The output language is a subset of Java so it can be compiled using javac and executed using Java or online Java compilers like this, if you want to test your output.
There is no need to perform type checking for the argument types or a check for the number of function arguments. You can assume that the program input will always be semantically correct.
A s with the first part of this assignment, you should accept input programs from stdin and print output Java programs to stdout. For your own convenience you can name the public class "Main", expecting the files that will be created by redirecting stdout output to be named "".. In order to compile a file named you need to execute the command: javac In order to execute the produced Main.class file you need to execute: java Main.
To execute the program successfully, the "Main" class of your Java program must have a method with the following signature: public static void main(String[] args), which will be the main method of your program, containing all the translated statements of the input program. Moreover, for each function declaration of the input program, the translated Java program must contain an equivalent static method of the same name. Finally, keep in mind that in the input language the function declarations must precede all statements.
program → definitions calls //DEFINITIONS
definitions → definitions definition | definition
definition → ID ( rest_definition
rest_definition → ID definition_args HACK definition_expr } | ΗΑCK definition_expr }
definition_args → , definition_args_rest | definition_args_rest
definition_args_rest → ID definition_args
definition_expr → IF ( definition_condition ) definition_expr ELSE definition_expr | reverseX_def | concat_def | ID | string | definition_functioncall
definition_condition → definition_expr operators definition_expr
definition_functioncall → ID ( rest_definition_functioncall
rest_definition_functioncall → definition_expr definition_functioncall_args ) | )
definition_functioncall_args → , definition_expr definition_functioncall_args | empty
calls → call calls | call
call → IF ( call_condition ) call ELSE call | concat_call | string | reverseX_call | call_functioncall
call_condition → call operators call
call_functioncall → ID ( rest_call_functioncall
rest_call_functioncall → call call_functioncall_args ) | ) call_functioncall_args → , call call_functioncall_args | empty
empty → ε //epsilon
reverseX_call → REVERSE call
reverseX_def→ REVERSE definition_expr
concat_def → definition_expr + definition_expr
concat_call → call + call
operators → PREFIX
-What about REVERSE?
reverse() needs → import java.util.*; but it can only be applied on StringBuffers. So I created a new function called reverseX() which returns a string reversed. This function is printed before our main like this:
public static String reverseX(String str){
StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(str);
sb.toString(); \n\t}");
The output of our Translator is the file
Compile Output: make out Run Output: make out-run Clean only Output: make out-clean
Compile : make
Run : make run < [input-file]
Scanner.flex → .flex for Jflex in order to create the scanner for our parser (JavaCUP) Here I used the ){whitespace}*{ hack Parser.cup → .cup for JavaCUP using the Scanner it goes through my grammar → Our main Translator java file. Here it calls first the Scanner then the Parser and it creates the