A simple TypeScript React Component Generator VS Code Extenstion.
Download here: [https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=kkoukakis.ts-react-component-generator]
Right click on explorer and type your Component name.
Creates a Folder with 2 files:
- index.tsx : TypeScript Component
- index.css : CSS Stylesheet file
Also: It checks if folder already exists, if component name is acceptable name and trims down whitespaces.
None. Just have fun!
This extension contributes the following settings:
: enable/disable this extension
Calling out known issues can help limit users opening duplicate issues against your extension.
Users appreciate release notes as you update your extension.
- Add custom template index.tsx and index.css creation
- added Constructor and included states inside it.
- corrected index.css import in index.tsx files
- added Regex for correct ComponentName
Lisence MIT ~ kkoukakis 2021