
Angular Azure AD example using ng2-adal

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Frontend: Angular Azure AD example

Copy of ng2-adal-QuickStart implemented with angular-cli. Adal library used: ng2-adal

ADAL.JS (adal-angular) version is implemented on adaljs branch.

Angular 4.0 version is implemented on angular4.0 branch. Using deprecated HttpModule.

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.5.




Go to .\src\app\_services\ and replace adal-config.service.ts.template with adal-config.service.ts and your actual values.


npm install
ng serve -o


  • /home - main page with Login/Logout buttons
  • /restricted - a protected with AuthenticationGuard.canActivate
  • /unauthorized - user will be redirected here when tries to access /restricted route but is not logged-in. Use Login button first on /home page.
  • /auth-callback - here Azure AD will redirect after successful login/logout process. It must be configured in Azure portal in Reply URLs section and in secret.service.ts as redirectUri and postLogoutRedirectUri.

Backend - Backend.DotNetCore


Set environment variable on your local machine ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development

Update appsettings.json and set

"MicrosoftIdentity": {
    "Authority": "https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenantId}",
    "ClientId": "YOUR CLIENT ID"

or alternatively set it in user-secrets (Secret Manager) for the project


dotnet restore

The run-server.cmd is used to run the app on :44008 port.

Azure portal setup

Azure Portal

Left Menu -> Azure Active Directory -> App registrations -> Select your AD app

Setup Reply URLs

Your AD app -> All settings -> Reply URLs

Set http://localhost:4200/auth-callback


How to get tenant


How to get client_id

Your AD app -> All settings -> Application ID

Enable Implicit Flow

Your AD app -> Manifest

Set oauth2AllowImplicitFlow to true

