
Repository for coding exercises.

Primary LanguageJava

Source code for prior coding exercises can be found in MinGW / Git Bash
under ~/OneDrive/Documents/Misc/GitHub.

Pushing a new repo to GitHub
* cd to repo home folder
* git init
* commit changes
* Creating a new remote repo locally (with desired default branch):
  - git remote add origin https://github.com/kkraft7/coding_exercises.git
  - Note this is not necessary if you have already created the repo in GitHub
  - I found that I had to create the repo in GitHub before I could push there
* Creating a new remote repo in GitHub: GitHub -> Repositories -> New
* Use an existing remote repo:
  - git remote set-url origin https://github.com/kkraft7/coding_exercises.git (for example)
  - If this fails with "fatal: No such remote 'origin'" try "git remote add origin"
  - To find your remote repo URL: GitHub -> Repo -> Code (green button) ->
* git push origin master
  - May need to create a new access token to have push permissions
  - GitHub -> Profile -> Settings -> Developer settings -> Personal access tokens
  - git push https://TOKEN@github.com/kkraft7/coding_exercises.git

The code under ~/NotesApp/src/main/java/server is from an
earlier, aborted version of the To-Do app.

There are multiple locations for the NCAA code:
* C:/Users/kevin/git/Scripts/NCAA (up to date and under source control)
* C:/Users/kevin/OneDrive/Documents/Kids and Family/Kevin/NCAA (up to date, but need to sync with source control)
  - Backed up to Google Drive
* ~/OneDrive/Documents/Misc/GitHub/Scripts/NCAA (under source control but last update was 2013)
* ~/OneDrive/Documents/Misc/cygwin64/home/Kevin/Scripts/NCAA (last update was 2017)