This app encourages users to try new things outside their comfort zone. The challenges (Stretches) are both system and user generated, and the users will be able to save the Stretches to their pending list. Each Stretch is divided into one of: social, hobby and adventure. If completed, they can choose to write a short entry on their experiences and upload an image.
This was a 5-day project made during my Web Development Immersive Course at General Assembly in 2015
Live Demo:
- username:
- password: password123
- Log In and Sign Up system
- User can create a Stretch
- User dashboard:
- User can add a Stretch to their pending list
- User can create an entry and choose to upload an image
- Masonry Grid for inspiration entries
- Admin deletion of Stretches
- Search by category
- CSS3
- Bootstrap
- JavaScript, including
- Ruby
- Active Record
- Sinatra
- PostgreSQL
- CarrierWave
- Bcrypt
- Deployment: Heroku
I was given the following feedback, when I asked people to test my app:
- The long list in the Category section ('/stretches') is distracting
- The main Stretch page should focus more on images, instead of a long list of Stretches
- A user complained of having an error while posting
- I've checked Heroku logs, and found that the post exceeded the limit of characters I had set for the column. In order to fix this, I set a limit for character count on the input box as well.
- Images uploaded through CarrierWave are only stored temporarily in Heroku. Use Box API as free storage
- Deleting a Stretch does not delete the entries that go along with it. You can set dependencies to be destroyed in the active record models
- Deleting a user does not delete the entries they have created (Solution is the same as above)
- Pagination can help in limiting the long list of Stretches
- users can 'like' posts
- users can set their posts to private
- e-mail verification