WDI Conference


WDI Conference is a mock technology conference run by the students of General Assembly.


Build a website for a technology conference that included the following (full spec):

  • Location and conference information
  • Timetable and title of presentations/talks
  • Speakers profiles
  • The ability to purchase a ticket
  • Sponsors

Technologies used

  1. Node.js
  2. Express
  3. Firebase
  4. JavaScript, including the following libraries:
  1. HTML5
  2. Sass / CSS3
  3. Heroku hosting

Key features

  • "Find someone who has..." ice breaker game with live results displayed using Firebase
  • Google Maps API integration
  • Eventbrite ticketing integration
  • Fully mobile responsive


Check out the site - http://wdiconference.herokuapp.com

Approach / design notes

User stories:
  1. User wants to find out about the conference
  • date
  • venue / location
  • about
  1. User wants detailed information about the conference
  • speakers
  • schedule of talks
  1. User wants attend the conference
  • pricing
  • purchase tickets
  1. User has a ticket
  • updates / changes
  1. User is at the conference
  • engagement / user interaction (icebreaker game)

Image of User stories


Image of Wireframe

Team members

Role Main site Icebreaker
Tech Lead Kylie Toby
Design Lead Aviel Ivan

Links to their Github accounts:


Thanks to DT, Matt and the WDI4 appleandriods class for all your assistance and guidance!

This project was undertaken as part of the General Assembly WDI course I undertook in 2015.