
Simple implementations of TransE, DistMult, ComplEx

Primary LanguagePython


My experiments with transE


[emb_dim = 50, SGD(lr=0.01)]

  • Head prediction: Hits@10: 0.3419952261 | MR: 288.1974065
  • Tail prediction: Hits@10: 0.41082764808450845 | MR: 198.27008176601041
  • Average prediction: Hits@10: 0.37414298048111594 | MR: 243.20541382404224

[emb_dim = 100, SGD(lr=0.01)]

  • Head prediction: Hits@10: 0.33789846117384165 | MR: 286.64447867820081
  • Tail prediction: Hits@10: 0.41309610468757935 | MR: 199.93064278580013
  • Average prediction: Hits@10: 0.3754972829307105 | MR: 243.28756073200049

Scope of improvement

  • Multiple negative samples
  • Better optimizer